For those of you who know "my Ed" and his love affair with Colonial Williamsburg... and the fact that he can't "go south" without stopping in....... you have probably figured that he would stop there when he and Dave went for the "kids".
Nate had friends help them move out of the apartment yesterday, so they were done "ahead of schedule" and last night, Kas, Nate, Dave and Ed drove to Williamsburg and have spent all of today touring the old city once again.
Nate has never been to Williamsburg and whenever we went and took Kas with us (while Nate was deployed) she would always say "I have to bring Nate here one day, he will love it". We tried a couple of times to meet the kids there ... (remember last April and Ed was in the hospital)....but it never quite worked out. So, this was the perfect opportunity for them to go (and leave Deb and I behind!!!) I have had "several" reports of the day's events, and they are all having a grand time.... even took a carriage ride!!!! And tonite, they are attending the "ball" that Ed and I went to last spring.... that will be great fun for sure!!! I really wish that I could be there with them, but I am so very happy that Kas is able to be there with Nate, and I don't doubt that one day we will go back again with "the family"...............
I hope you're house gets done soon! I miss you all!!!
I hope to be of help next year!
If you guys go down there with everyone again... I HAVE to meet you guys there! I'd still LOOOVE to go :)
What did you mean by with "the Family"....???
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