I run down to the barn, do morning chores and head back home. Just as I am getting out of the shower, the phone rings... it is a dog student of mine, they are at the barn looking for the tracking clinic... oh NO!!!... I sort of forgot that I had invited all of my classes to pop in and watch the clinic... I have no idea who might be showing up to watch.... great!!!
Ed and I run back to the barn... and actually find a few of my students there. Fortunately, they were all happy to look around the barn, meet the horses and "see" where I now live. I still feel bad that they made the trip and didn't see the clinic... but, you know... I really just have to let it go.

Since it appeared that we had an "extra" day, I thought that maybe we should go and move Titus. I had left him with Kas and Nate when we moved, just because moving that tank of his is a project all of it's own... and requires manpower!!! It wasn't raining, so I thought, good let's get it done.
We asked Nate if he would help (course he was happy to do so) and told Kas and Nate that if they could come to Acton to help us move the tank in, I would feed them supper to boot... such a deal.
It took me over an hour to break the tank down... I also got everything cleaned, thinking that way, I could just set it back up when we got it in. The idea worked well, but was time consuming.

Wouldn't you know just as we were ready to load the tank into the back of the truck, the sky opened and the rain began.. so much for the lull.... poor Ed and Nate were nearly soaked by the time the tank, stand, and all the equipment was loaded into the truck. (what is IT with me and the weather this weekend???)
The ride home went well. Titius wasn't too happy about being stuck in card board box... but all in all, it was uneventful.
It was pouring when we got back.... Ed and Nate hauled the tank in, Kas began to start supper, and I began to get Titus's house back together. After we were settled in, I looked at the four of us, eating supper, wet to the skin and thought "all of this for a silly turtle".... but today, as he happily swims about his tank and comes over to say hello... I am very glad... I like my little turtle!!!! I also like the idea that we will only move this thing one more time!!!

The horses seem to enjoy it, they are out grazing every day.... and Mocha is doing just fine, so what ever she had... has passed.

We got a fair amount of rain during the night, so I am watching the docks, there is a good chance the water will be over them before the day is done. We will need to pulling them out within the next couple of weeks, can't believe the "summer" season has come to the end......
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