Then... brother Bill, came up to the farm with another gift for me!!!! An old fashion "dinner bell"!!! He had a friend hand forge this and it is a copy of a dinner bell that was in a barn in Rowley, MA. It's hard to see, but the plate on the top is carved out and says Sweetgrass Farm. Bill was going to do the cooking for me at the tracking clinic, and he thought the bell would be perfect to call us in from the field when it was time for lunch. AS you all know, this wasn't able to happen, but, this bell will be hung and used at future meals times... maybe to call Ed in from the field!!!!! so, a big thank you to Bill... it was a great thought and I will treasure this as well!!!!

Well.... I have always felt a bit sorry for Mocha... being a mini, when she is in a regular stall... she really can't see what is going on in the barn like the big guys can. She is always sure she is going to miss out on meals or treats (and let's us know with very loud whinnies!!!)... and I just feel like she is in a big box. So, I asked Ed if we could make an opening in the bottom of her stall door, so she can peek out and be a part of the "world". Ed had our friend , Greg, weld up a panel and today he got it installed in her door. Not only does it look nice, but I can tell you Mocha certainly appreciates it....

Once she realized how much she could see... she stood in front of the door enjoying all the attention and watching me sweep the alleyway and Ed drop down a bale of hay. It does look a little like she is in jail... but really, it's her window on the world..... and now she won't miss out on anyone who wants to come and visit!!!!
oh my Sue all know is that if I die and come back as any animal I want YOU to own me!!! whoo hoo Go Mocha go Mocha!!!!!
Very nice gifts! And you paid it forward to little Mocha. What a wonderful idea and Ed does such a good job of making sure everything looks so nice.
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