It's a little hard to tell from this snowy photo, but there is a chimney coming up thru that roof!!! The masons finished that up yesterday. (they are back at work once again for those of you who are curious!!!) All they need to do now is finish up the hearth... which I believe that will be done on Friday.. and that part of the project is done!!! check it off the list.....and the next roof project will be shingles

What is this creature that appeared out of the snow??? Needless to say, keeping the floors any where close to dry today..is totally out of the question.
We plow the road each time we go to the barn to check on the horses. That actually works out well, because it's easier on Ed and the truck to do "small amounts of plowing" verses waiting for it to end and then try to move it all. As the day has progressed, the snow has become more intense, and it's snowing harder now than it was at 6:00 this morning.
Ed was out at the woodpile, getting the box filled up with some of the excellent wood Rick brought last fall. We had some old wood that needed to be used up (before it rotted completely on us) and now that it's gone, we are into Rick's pile.

We're pretty happy to have it, even if I didn't get it "properly stacked" last fall.
So, an evening to be at home, cuddled by the woodstove... just hope there is something "good" on TV tonite....

1 comment:
Wow, I made the blog again. Now I feel as though I should have stacked the wood too... Ha-Ha maybe next time.
Our house is a mess too, Mindy and Gus go crazy out in the snow and then have to come sho us what all the excitement is all about.
Wouldnt have it any other way.
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