But, what is even better than that, is Amos and I have a long history together... I first met him when he was 12 weeks old. I had a wonderful lady call me.... "I understand that you train dogs, and that you make house calls.... I have two golden puppies that I would like you to work with".
Well, as it turned out... I went to the house three times a week to work with Amos and his brother, Andy. Their owner became a good friend (as clients often do!!!) and I stayed on, working with the goldens until they were about 16 months old. They both got their CGC's and I began agility work with them. but, there came the day when they were beautifully trained, and my service wasn't needed any more.
For years, their owner and I kept in contact with occasional phone calls and notes at Christmas time. Then "life" took over (teenagers in my case) and we lost touch.
Last June, my friend called... "I understand that you are still training!!! How are you?? I have two new puppies, would you come and work with them??" Course one of my first questions was... do you still have Andy and Amos... and it turned out that she did.
So, I went out to her farm and began working with the puppies, but I have to say the greeting I got from Andy and Amos was overwhelming.... there is no doubt that they remembered me from all those years ago.
My second week back to work the new puppies was bittersweet... Andy had passed away due to cancer. I felt so very sad, and yet so very grateful that I had been able to see him that one last time before he "left"... Amos was thrilled to see me again, and I couldn't resist doing just a little obedience with him.... he seemed so happy to "work" for me again.

My friend called me a month ago and asked if I could dog sit while they took a little vacation. I was so happy to have them... the two new puppies, and dear sweet Amos!!! all to myself. He has been a wonderful house guest, and the first to be invited to sleep in our bedroom at night!!!
It's very rare that I get to see my "puppy students" in their later years. It always surprises me when a client calls with a new puppy and says, "you trained my other dog.... 10, 12, 15 years ago"... because in my mind they are still the little puppies that were in class... I know they have grown up and aged.. but I am sort of like your first grade teacher.. who will always think of you as a child instead of a grown up.... So, to have Amos here has been a real joy.. and who can pass that dear face!!!!
1 comment:
Awsome! Thats what its all about!
Nice to meet you Amos...
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