Annabelle was very interested in this pile of "leather"... probably thought it was some new toy for her. I have found my driving whip in various places in the barn... she likes to grab the end of it and haul it around. Just hope she doesn't take out the door one day!!!

After a lot of fussing, buckling, unbuckling, I got the harness to fit Mocha. She stood (for the most part) quietly on the cross ties, letting me work on the harness. We did some ground driving, took her out on the road for a little walk about, and she was a pretty good girl. She did get a bit of an attitude when I made her walk past the driveway and not allow her to turn towards home... but that's a horse for you. And the fact that Silver was pitching a fit and calling for her, didn't exactly help.
Just as I was finishing up, Betty came... (I was missing her!!) She had a lesson with our trainer, Laura, so didn't get to the barn until later in the afternoon. Since Mocha wasn't completely unharnessed, I told Betty that she could take her out for a bit if she wanted to... which she did. Mocha wasn't so happy about that idea... she thought she had done her work... too bad!!!!

While Betty was working Mocha, I took a little walk around the farm, and got some pictures from a different angle.

Always curious, Duke, walked down to the end of the pasture to see what I was up to...(Tonka and Silver were following Betty and Mocha along the fence line)

As "promised".. I got some pictures of the "false floors" that the guys are working on upstairs. This space gives us places to run electrical and plumbing and the like. Course it looks a little funny now, but once it's done and the plywood goes over, you won't even know that they exist.
this is one of the bedrooms...

and this is "our room"... looking towards the bathroom...
So, Ed had an afternoon enjoying "one of this things" and I had an afternoon enjoying "my things"... nice way to begin a new week......
It is so exciting to watch the progress of the house coming along!
Having one of those his and hers days now and again is perfect isn't it? ;)
Loved all the pics!
mocha is adorable in her harness.... ill have to get your help in outfitting squeeke!
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