Dear Family and Friends...I just wanted to pen you all a little note and say that I am doing "OK".. the out pouring of good wishes has been such a comfort to me. I have received many email, wonderful blog comments, e cards, and phone calls. I always knew that I was blessed with so many great people in my life, but I have really had the chance to "see it" during this time. Thank you, thank you very much.
I am still in that "stage" where I panic for a moment as "only" five little spaniels come in from outside. I find myself putting that "one extra dish" away...I need to remind myself to check the water bowl (Moxie always pitched a fit when the bowl was empty, so I could count on her to tell me it needed filling) I managed to teach my first dog classes without her, thank the Good Lord, that Camille was there!!
Hunter, Trevor, Camille, Tazzy and Cole have noticed the change in the house. I find that they are constantly "checking" on me, and I often see Camille in the places that were only Moxie's.... funny now how they will go onto the dog bed that was just her's.
I am grateful for the everyday routine, the horses and the barn still need my attention, work continues on the house, and a sleuth of boarding dogs here and still yet to come, all need my care. Ed has been his "usual" wonderful self, being strong for me, I know this has been just as hard on him... not just losing Mox, but watching me burst into tears over the silliest of things.
Time is a great healer, and having "done this" before, I know that there will come a day when I will be able to speak her name and talk about how great she was without crying...I also know that I need to cry. The days will become weeks, and weeks to months... and in the meantime, I will be very grateful to all of you and for all the blessings the Good Lord sends my way.......
Some of you have expressed an interest in "doing something" in Moxie's memory... if you feel so incline would you please send a donation to Maine Cocker Spaniel Rescue ..P O Box 388 .. Raymond, ME 04071 .. it would be a great blessing to the cockers in need of forever homes....
im so glad to hear you are doing ok sue- we all understand what a huge loss this is for you! take your time and let the others heal you, know that she will ALWAYS be with you, that she had an amazing life, and that she is in a better place! (ok, sweetgrass farm is pretty spectacular- so 'better' must be relative!?) as always- let me know if you need anything
sue, my heart is breaking for you its hard to type with so many tears.
No words from me could possible help much now but you have to know how incrediable lucky Moxie was to have you as a mama and in turn how lucky and blessed you were to be graced by her company for tweleve years! I cry with you ,and for you
Love you, Cindi Charlie,Bode
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