"This" all began last spring. I noticed that she was slowing down, but 11 for a cocker really isn't considered "old". I took her to the vet and he found that she had an extremely slow heart rate. We went for scans of her heart and found that her brain wasn't sending out the "right signal" to her heart. I decided to try acupuncture with her, and overall, I did see a big improvement. Not that she acted like a two year old, but she certainly had some of her old spark again. It bought us time.
On Thursday, I began to get a bad feeling, I noticed she wasn't as steady on her feet, she began to pick at her food, and wouldn't do the stairs unless I was with her. I had to coax her to go in the truck, which was really strange, because Moxie didn't like to be left behind. I wondered if the cold winter weather was taking its toll, so I let her decide if she want to stay home or go.
On Sunday, she wasn't so excited about her favorite meal... she ate, but slowly, almost more to please me than feed herself. I began to get a real"sick" feeling.

I watched her closely yesterday. She was quiet, picked at her meal, and just wasn't herself. I made a point of thinking that if she wasn't better this morning, we would be heading to the vet again. Last night was a long night. She acted "uncomfortable" trying to get her bed just so, then moving about again. She was very unsteady on her feet and sort of "fell" while trying to arrange her bed. I got no sleep, because I watched her all night.
Around 3:00am, she had me up.. she wanted to go out. I carried her down the stairs and let her out. Then I ran for my boots and a flashlight, only leaving her out alone for a few seconds... she "disappeared".... and I found her heading down the road. I don't know if she got turned around, or what she was thinking, but I was very happy that huge snowbanks kept her from wandering off in the woods. I went after her, and carried her back inside.
She settled on her bed and finally fell asleep, I watched TV and Moxie. Then I noticed something odd, I wasn't the only one awake... so was Camille. All the other dogs were snoozing, but Camille was sitting up and watching Mox. After a bit she settled down too, but every so often, she sat up again, and would watch Mox for a while and then settle down. I thought "she knows something".
I called the vet this morning first thing to make an appointment... they told me, "bring her in and your appointment will be when you get here"... Bless them!!!! Ed fed horses, I took care of the other dogs and we were on the way to the vet.
This time we saw Dr. Frank, he was very concerned when he saw Mox and did some "tests" on her.. "I think she has suffered a stroke" he told me. And asked for us to leave Mox with him for the day, so he could do some blood work and see if he could get some fluids in her to support her better. We left her.
As we were leaving to pick her up this evening, Dr. Mike called.... the news was not good. Her kidneys and other organs were shutting down, the fluids weren't helping.. I told him we were on the way, and he said that our choices were going to be "limited". I decided that I would let Moxie tell me what "to do"....

When we arrived, she picked her head up to see me, but that was all she could do to say hello to me. I cuddled her close and could hear that her breathing was labored. We had a long and serious talk with Dr. Mike, but I already knew what I had to do...
I had to say goodbye........
And so my little friend, who was my partner in dog classes, who made me look amazing in the show ring, who slept by my bed at night and the woodstove in the day... who even followed me to the port-a-pottty......
passed peacefully in my arms..... and my life is forever changed.
"I hope the Lord was patient today...
for He had to stand and wait,
while a little brown and white cocker
trotted thru heaven's gate...."
I'm sorry for your loss. I wish our loved ones could live forever... or at least as long as we need their company.
oh mom... I am in tears for you. I am so sorry it was time for her to go. I know how broken you feel. You know I'm here if you need me. I love you.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that we will keep you all in our thoughts, and know that Mox is looking in on you.
Thank you for including so many beautiful photos of her as well.
everyone in the libary thinks I am crazy for crying by the computer. I am so sorry mom, we will all really miss her.
love sadie
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of it's many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush, green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old are young again. Those who are sick are well again. Those who are maimed are whole again. They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day, they run and play with each other until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! And suddenly one runs from the group!
You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then, you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated. -Author Unkown
Sue, I am so sorry for your loss. I know she will be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge with the rest of our loved ones. I just wish it didn't hurt so much when they have to leave us.
Oh, Sue, I'm so, so sorry about Moxie. I know the emptiness that you feel right now, it's heartbreaking. That little Moxie was such a good girl and was always the first one at the door to say hello when we walked in. I loved her "Get close". And, she was the best traveled dog that I've ever met! Not mention how much she loved to teach the babies in puppy class! We'll all miss her! Call me if you need to talk, I'm thinking about you! Love,Deb.
Oh Sue, I have been thinking about you since we talked last night and I'm sure the void is now real. But please keep in your heart that you will meet again... Moxie will come bouncing, ears flopping and tail wagging in delight and you can show again that your little cocker is more than just a cute little dog.
Blessings, Rick.
oh sue- the tears flow for you and i know how much you must be aching today! i hope the other fuzzies can bring you some comfort. i know what a dear and special girl she was, and am truely sorry to hear that she has gone on. i am also truly grateful that you were able to give her a quiet and peaceful passing- never something one wants to do, but a most important final task as a pet owner. please do let me know if there is anything i/we can do. im hugging my fur babies closer tonight and feeling oh so sad for you! i am so glad she got to spend the final months enjoying the farm and the house in acton- what a lovely thing it will be to add her there among the memories.
Oh, I checked in tonight to see what's up with my sister's farm to find out about Moxie. I cried as I read your blog and know just how you feel. I'm so sorry as I knew she was your side kick. I will always remember how she did that little heel and sit trick - how cute!
We're here for you if yo need anything.
Lovingly, Rachel
I'm so sorry, Sue! She was such an awesome little dog!
Oh, Sue! I am so sorry for your loss. Moxie was such a special girl. What more couls she ask for than to be with you when she went? I'm so glad she had you...
I'm so sorry, Sue. I've known Moxie all her life, and you two have been an amazing team with such a beautiful relationship. I'll miss her too. She was wonderful - just amazing. I'm very sad hearing this news.
Oh, Sue! I was devastated to hear about Moxie. You always hope that your heart dog will be with you forever. Duncan the Wonder Dog, Merlin, Doogie, Cadence, and Briscoe will make sure that she has plenty of company on the other side of the Bridge, and I'm here if you ever need company on this side. Our thoughts are with you.
Tears are in my eyes as I have read your post for the first time today. I very sorry for your loss and will lift a prayer up in your behalf.
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