As we have done for the past few years ( 6 ? or more) the two families have come together to celebrate the birthday(s) of the Moms!!! with mine being on 3/30 and Deb's on 4/1... just those few days apart. We have done different things over the years, and this year we all went out to eat.
This has to be one of the greatest blessings in my life... to have my dear hubby, my children (and now grandbaby) and our wonderful extended family all together. Then top that off with a few small gifts and a great meal.... life couldn't be better.
Abbie got right into this whole scene. She is very good going out to eat and is beginning to understand of "how one behaves in a restaurant"....she sits nicely at the table, waits patiently for the food, and eats in a nice manner....
We always bring things to entertain Abbie, just in case... however, after all the good things I said about her... I'm not so sure that Auntie knows how to "behave at the table"... somehow, stretching a slinky across the length of the table might not qualify as the "best behavior!!!!" (auntie!!!!!!!)
And here we are... Happy Birthday to the now "50 somethings" Moms... who definitely feel.. you are only as "old" as you allow yourself to be...
Happy Birthday to you, too, Sue! And may we have many, many more!!
Happy Belated Birthday Sue! I celebrate for at least a month. Milk it!
and when she has to tickle,tickle,tickle the waitress!!! ~Sadie
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