We arrived at NEADS early, I wasn't sure how many folks would be there, I didn't know what to expect!!! We went to up to the training room and talked with a few other folks while we waited for the "teams" to arrive. The first person I met was Indya.. Chester's breeder. She is wonderful and we got to talking right away. I also got to see Chester's sponers again (I had met them at a graduation) and his "weekend" family was there as well (the weekend folks take the puppies out of prison and keep them in the public light) It then occured to me.. all the steps and folks that it takes to bring a service dog to this day... his match, his graduation!!! to coin a phase.. "it takes a village".. and you could see it in these folks who had gathered here . But, all of us were just waiting to see the guests of honor... Michael and Chester!!!!
When they first entered the room, I saw it right away.. Chester has matured. I got glimpses of his "seriousness" as a pup, but now seeing this mature, trained dog... it really showed. And even though he and Michael have been together a little more than a week, there is already a bond there... Chester knows... I really believe he knows, this is it.... he has come to "what he will be"
At first Micheal seemed a bit overwhelmed and was "quiet".. who can blame him. Strangers coming up, wanting to meet him, but dying to get their hands on his dog!!! He was very gracious, and I think I did well, holding it together, remembering the "rules" regarding service dogs.. but I couldn't wait to give "my boy" a hug. And finally - with permission from his owner - I did... the golden boy was back in my arms... I fell apart and got those wonderful kisses that I always got when he was a puppy. I looked up and saw Michael smiling.. he understood... after that I felt better and got to talking with Michael, telling him all about Chester as a puppy. Indya filled us both in on his birth and how he was chosen as "the service puppy" and we all just got into conversation as though we had been life long friends....
I took so many pictures, that even sorting a few for this blog was hard to do... but you all just have to know that I needed to have "my two puppies" together.... a rare treat to be sure.... Chester in "red" the color of the graduate.. and Ginger in "blue" the color of the trainee.....they liked each other!!!!
I couldn't wait for Michael to see the book that Kelli and I had put together. He was truly pleased, (look at the smile on his face!!!!) because up until now.. he did not have any puppy pictures of his boy. He told us all about his past service dog.. a little golden who had been at his side for 12 years. When she passed, he told us that he wondered how he could even live thru it, and had said he would never have another service dog. But, after 18 months of "doing it all on his own".. he knew that he needed a new friend.. a new buddy, and applied to NEADS again (his other dog was a NEADS dog) He tolds us that he wanted a golden and was willing to wait for the right dog. And that the moment he met Chester.. he knew it was "perfect"....
And as I watched them all evening, Chester hardly ever took his eyes off his new Dad. I know that Chester knew me... but he's moved on.. he knows where he belongs and how much he is needed....
We got these wonderful photo opts.... (glad I didn't look too bad after crying so much!!!)
And here he is with Indya... he had hugs for both of us.. but went right back to Michael the moment they were done.....
And then a "bonus" to this evening.... the CEO of NEADS - Gerry - came over to us. He said that we should go and talk to another "team" that was there.. a young man who was from Maine...
So, we went over and met this young man and his new dog... Joe. This is a veteran, I don't know "what or how" he got his injuries.. that doesn't matter in the least.. but what we did find out... he lives in the town next to ours!!!! Not more that eight miles away from the farm!!!! We were so excited to learn we are "neighbors".. and exchanged names and phone numbers... I hope that when he get settled back at his home, he will contact us!!! Let's face it.. this is a God moment, of all the classes he could have been in... any of the dogs he could have been matched with.. he gets this dog, and is in this class. and we are there as well..... it's more than I can wrap my brain around.....
The evening absolutely flew by... it didn't seem possible when we saw the staff starting to clean things up .. it was time to go... time to say goodbye and best wishes... but somehow, I don't think this will be the last that I will see of my new friends.....
Chester was tired.. so was Micheal.. they had been training since early in the day.. and had gone thru all their certification tests.
But we had a hard time of ending the conversation just there. Both the dogs gave up while all the humans continued to chat. Email addresses exchanged.. facebook contacts told...plans for the future.. stories from the past.....

And then, one brand new service dog.. said to his partner.. "Dad we really need to go, we have a busy day tomorrow....." and we all listened... and said our "good byes"..
The big graduation will be in November... I already know of a huge crowd of folks planning on being there. Hard to think that by that time.. Ginger will more than likely be in her service dog training, and perhaps, we will be with puppy number three. But that's just too far to think about right now, and I want to savor this special time. I also have an announcement to make... but I'm going to keep it quiet until I have the photos to share.... stay tuned dear reader... the news of "service dogs" only gets better from here.....
Thanks for sharing your evening and all those wonderful photos. Hooray for Michael and Chester and all the amazing folks in their "village"!
Sue, I cant even comment now... I cant see to type.
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I admit it, you got me tearing up! What a wonderful blog. What a blessing it must be to know that you played a part of such a wonderful match.
Awww-That brought tears to my eyes. How absolutely wonderful!!! God bless you for having the ability and dedication to do what you are doing!!
Right there with the Barnaby's I can't see to type either. Eye's are FULL of tears and rolling down my face. THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!
wiping tears out of my eyes to see the keys. job well done Sue! Good Boy Chester!
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