We had a nice "long weekend". I was glad to be done with my week of covering the post office, I don't have time to "work". We puttered around the house for most of the weekend, working outside and starting to get things looking good. Now that (most) of the inside house work is done, it's time to spruce up the outside.
I have seen a few hummingbirds around, and I said to Ed that I would like to get a feeder and see if I could encourage them to stick around longer. We found this cute little hanger at Tractor Supply and I hung a little bird house (that my Mom had given us) on one side and a feeder on the other. Now all we do is wait and see if the 'hummers" find it.

I tried to point out the "hummers" to Abbie, but they are so quick, that I'm not so sure she has seen them. But I tell her to watch out the window and see if the hummers are at the feeder. She is so funny, because if you ask her what a hummer does... she hums!!!!!

Another thing I have had my eye on (at Tractor's) is a Kansas-type windmill. They had several in all sizes, but I liked the biggest one. I thought it would look neat by the Electric Shed, and all spring I would check them out when we went down for grain. Well, my Ed surprised me this weekend and went and got one for us. It was the last one they had, and they were happy to get it "moving" so, we got it on sale and all put together. Which is nice, but we had to bring it home on the trailer!!!

Ed, Sadie and Abbie got it up for me, and patiently moved it here and there until I thought it was in just the right spot.

It really works too, and Ed has "threaten" to hook it up to a battery to keep our generator charged. I don't know if he is kidding or not!!!!

Kas and Nate had us down for a little cookout, and I said to Ed, let's get some of our treasures dug out of the woods and brought up to the farm. (Besides since the house is theirs now - I think they would appreciate our getting moved out completely). Anywho, we have been collecting "farm type" treasures for years. I don't know which came first, the land on which the farm is now, or the treasurers that needed a piece of land to be on. But either way.. we have both and it's time to put them all together.

This poor treasure has been out in the woods a long time. Ed can't even remember where it came from.. and it took some digging and brute strength (and a lawn tractor) to get it out....

What is it... a horse drawn sickle bar. Used in the day for haying. Despite it's rusty look, it is in "almost could use condition".. but hooking it up to the horses isn't what I have in mind... this piece is going at the end of the driveway as a lawn ornament.

On Memorial Day itself, I wanted to be sure that Ginger got to go and see the parade. It's "on the list" of things to do with a service puppy. So, we called Rick and Kelli to see if they would like to go with us.
Ginger and Mindy rode in the back of their jeep together....

And sat together watching the parade. I missed not bringing Camille with me, but I knew she would be just too excited, and we're still suppose to be in the "calm" mode with her. Nothing in the parade bothered Ginger... just what I was hoping...

And sat together watching the parade. I missed not bringing Camille with me, but I knew she would be just too excited, and we're still suppose to be in the "calm" mode with her. Nothing in the parade bothered Ginger... just what I was hoping...
1 comment:
I had my eye on the windmill too- im glad it got a great home... it looks great!
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