On Tuesday, Ginger and I were invited to a local high school.. to talk about service dogs and puppy raising and then to be the "meet and greet" dog in a Canine Good Citizenship test. By the way, Ginger earned her "CGC" a few weeks ago... I was pretty pleased about that.
My friend Julie was the CGC tester, and the group was a bunch of high school students who have been studying "small animal care" all year. Some of the dogs that went thru the test were their own dogs, and others were "borrowed" dogs.

In all honesty the dogs could have used more work, but Julie was able to pass a few of them. Overall though, the students did a nice job handling the dogs, and you could see that they a real love for them. It was a pleasure being a part of this, and I so wished something like this had been in place when I was in high school. I just might have become the veterinarian that I had always wanted to be.

But, I'm not a vet.. I am a puppy raiser, and Thursday found us back at NEADS for our monthly check in. You know, Leo and Ginger have only three more of these check-in's and it will be turn in time. Can you believe that??? The group waited nicely for Dave in the lobby.....

Ginger took it all in stride. She has been a bit on the sensitive side when it comes to loud noises, but she wasn't bothered at all this day. We walked the sidewalks, crossed very busy streets, and worked in the "famous" parking garage, and it's glass elevator. She did just fine....
From the street we
moved into the hospital. Chester used to love to work here, and there are just so many great things to work with. Ginger's first encounter - didn't go so smoothly. As you enter the hospital (and this place is simply huge!!!) there is an entrance that is all "grates".. good idea for sandy shoes.. but idea for a golden who had no idea "what" was under her feet. The other dogs crossed it calmly.. Ginger and I spent the better part of 15 minutes walking over the grate and just getting her more used to the idea. The good thing is, she didn't "freak" out, but was certainly uncomfortable on them. Guess we will be looking for grates!!!!

Our next encounter was the glass elevators. Unlike the one in the parking garage, these are quick and quiet. "T" wasn't too happy on them, and when Ginger saw that, she thought he had a good idea. Again, she didn't "freak", but she wasn't "happy".... so, another "look for item"... quick, quiet and glass elevators!!!!!

The city streets certainly offer a different exposure for the dogs, and show us a different side of them as well. These are things that, as puppy raisers, we work to over come with them. Here Leo and Kathleen get some good advise from Dave....

When I told Ginger we were heading home, she didn't see too sad to say goodbye to the city... she really is a "small town gal"....

There is just one more little surprise to share. Dave had a puppy that he wanted to "send to Maine". We tried to reach Linda and be certain that we have some puppy raisers - but not reaching her, we made the "cooperate" decision to bring him along. We would like to see the group grow, and that means puppies... so we take them when they come...

"Hello Otis"... we'll find you a good family to grow up with.. and welcome to a future service puppy!!!!!

Our next encounter was the glass elevators. Unlike the one in the parking garage, these are quick and quiet. "T" wasn't too happy on them, and when Ginger saw that, she thought he had a good idea. Again, she didn't "freak", but she wasn't "happy".... so, another "look for item"... quick, quiet and glass elevators!!!!!

The city streets certainly offer a different exposure for the dogs, and show us a different side of them as well. These are things that, as puppy raisers, we work to over come with them. Here Leo and Kathleen get some good advise from Dave....

When I told Ginger we were heading home, she didn't see too sad to say goodbye to the city... she really is a "small town gal"....

There is just one more little surprise to share. Dave had a puppy that he wanted to "send to Maine". We tried to reach Linda and be certain that we have some puppy raisers - but not reaching her, we made the "cooperate" decision to bring him along. We would like to see the group grow, and that means puppies... so we take them when they come...

"Hello Otis"... we'll find you a good family to grow up with.. and welcome to a future service puppy!!!!!
Great Story and Great pics... Hey I recognize that little Black Lab "Otis"
I *heart* Otis!
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