Now, if you are thinking "what, she's writing about going to NEADS again"... well, the truth is, another month has gone by. And yes, here is yet another story about us heading to NEADS for our check in. We swapped our puppies back, loaded into the vehicles and headed south. The July check in with Dave. And, dear reader, this also means another thing - Ginger and Leo will check in in August, and then September.... turn in, but that will be another story.

We did our usual "question and answer" time with Dave, and then right into the city. By now the dogs are getting pretty used to this, which is exactly "what" the point is. Maybe I am getting a little used to it too.... but who knows....

We went to our favorite place, the hospital. It really is such a good place to work, Dave can find all sorts of things for us to do. Remember that silly game we played at puppy night - fit your dog into a laundry basket - well, here is where it pays off. Ginger, quite nicely, I might add, tucker herself under this little chair and "disappeared". She is such a good girl, and you know, I am going to miss her very much!!!!!

We do the down stays all over the place. Now only is it good work, but it gives the dogs a few minutes to rest and just take in the sights. What sights......
Well, the groups of people that they attract for one. Many of the hospital folks are used to seeing the NEADS puppies working around... but none the less, they still draw alot of attention....

and why not... any way you look at it, five dogs doing a down with "tons" of people around... is impressive....

We rode on those glass elevators a "million" times. Leo and Otis gave up and had the "again??" attitude... T, Ginger and I had more of the "oh no - AGAIN" attitude. I might get used to the city, but those elevators... never. I will raise a hundred puppies and still "hate" the ride!!!!!

And another day zooms by... Dave with his last words of wisdom, and home we head. And even though the day in the city is always fun, there is something grand about pulling up to the farm.. where the crickets are the loudest the sound that you will hear....
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