Abbie and I head up to the barn... and find.....

Empty harness hooks!!! Which means.....

Rick has arrived to "play" with horses. Now as painful as it is for me to admit - I will be honest here, and tell you that I have not worked our horses nearly as much as they should be. True I am busy, but there are times where I could be (should be) out with horses and chose not to. And the sad thing is, the horses were one of the reasons why we made this life switch... and I haven't followed thru. Some of it is motivation, and I just need to "do it". But, we did "do it" today... and started out with some ground driving (Rick took Duke and I took Tonka)

And then Rick decided "enough of this walking business" and put Duke in the cart and off they went. Duke was a bit fussy to start, but once Rick got him off the farm and really working, he said he settled in well, and they had a good time on the road. (Even stopped some traffic and picked up a few compliments)

Since Tonka had been so good for me, we put him in cart next. Rick took him for a short run up the driveway, and then I hopped in and off we went. On the road, Tonka wasn't nearly as quiet as Duke had been, but he was listening. We headed down by the post office, pulled into the parking to turn for home, and Tonka decided to pitch a fit!!! Fortunately, Rick is calm (and a very good horseman), but I admit, I made my exit from the cart and let them alone to work (and to be there in case Rick needed a pair of hands from the ground). It took him sometime and lots of circles, stops and standing to bring Tonka's head around again. But, one thing for sure, this horse needs a ton of work, and the only way that will happen is.... for me to get out there and do it!!!! So, somewhere, if I want a nice driving horse, I have got to find the time!!!!! We did get Tonka back to the farm without too much fussing.... but it will be awhile before he is road ready.

After all that work, the horses were in need of a shower and cooling off. Rick took this time to bring Otis around for horse introductions. Duke was ll for it, but Otis had a different ideas of this.....
1 comment:
if you ever want to "borrow" some motivation from an old horsie buddy- let me know! Im always up for playing pony!
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