It's always amazing what "magic" Karen can do with her grooming skills... Olivia is not looking much like a "farm dog" just now!!!! Karen has found a couple of shows at the end of the month that she wants to enter Livy in, so we are beginning to prepare and "working on a show coat".....
I can't even begin to say how much in love with this puppy I am.... she is proving to be "everything and more" in what I like for a dog. She is sweet and sassy, bright and eager to please and I am just having so much fun with her. Karen will be handling her in all the breed classes and I will be doing the obedience side, there is no doubt in my mind this little gal can, will and wants to do it all.......
I am a little "worry" about keeping up all that coat, which for the breed ring with cockers is very important... but I'm going to try... to own a champion has always been on my "bucket list" and we'll just have to see how we do.....
Had a nice surprise the other morning.... two mother turkeys showed up on the farm with about 25 babies. They were so fun to watch and stuck around for the longest time probably looking for bugs and other little things in the field. Usually the guinea hens have a way of driving them off, but either there were too many of them this time or the guineas didn't care....
And cousin Ted is here for a visit too!!! He is my Mom's first cousin.. with his Mom Regina being a sister to my Mom's Dad, Paul. Both are long gone now, but it's nice to see the next generation staying in touch. Ted lives in Texas, so it's quite the trip for him to come and see us. So many great stories to share from both the past and the present....

And visits like this just never seem to last long enough.
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