and she's off...
Later today Logan leaves for NEADS... it's time to turn in and have her go onto her advance service dog training. So, we head out for one last walk about the farm and think about just how fast this "year" has gone. Darci was sitting out on the front porch so Logan stopped a minute to say hello (or good bye as the case might be this time)
I stop at the old mower at the end of the drive to take this photo. This seems to have become the "official" place to take the good bye photo... showing the farm in the back ground and the ready to go pup.... I am really sad about her leaving, a bit sadder than I have been with others, and I know why. Some of the reason is we are still getting over the loss of our dear Hunter dog, and the other reason is Logan in many ways reminded me of Debbie dog..... either way... the goodbyes are hard...and the "how do you give them up" question looms close by.
But this gal is destined for great things... I'm not sure just what she will "become".. but it's going to be good. Personally I think she would be an amazing PTSD dog... so, I'm making that prediction now, and time will tell... by this time next year, we'll know.
We take a hike around the pasture, walking on the driving path. Unlike my usual wishes, I allow her to stop and sniff anything she chooses and to take this walk and do it all her way.
She's probably thinking.. what's with this.. Mom never allows me to walk like this... but the joy she shows is well worth it...
We stop to get more pictures... I know I have "hundreds" of them.. but I just want to be sure that I have enough...
We stop at the barn because I have a few morning chores to finish up... she was so little when we first walked up to the barn for morning chores last fall.....
She certainly has had a good training experience being raised on the farm... horses, cats, chickens.. dogs... she knows them all and really isn't interested one way or the other with regards to them. She can do her work no matter who's around.
Mona had joined us, but snuck into the trees before I could snap the shot of them together.. Logan was hoping she might come back out to play.
Back at the house, she has her breakfast and some quiet time before we pack up and head out.... She senses I'm upset and keeps her beautiful eyes focused on me... Sweet sweet girl... you will take a piece of my heart and you will give your heart to someone very special. As I have done with all my puppies, I begin to pray for the people who will become hers... I don't know them (yet) and maybe they don't know that they even want a service dog.. or maybe they are waiting anxiously to hear that their dog is ready... who knows... only time will give me the answers....
Just as we head out the door, she grabs a dish.. this has always been one of her silly things.. and I think she wants me to smile as she takes her last steps and heads out the door....
We meet another volunteer in Portsmouth.... she is very sweet and gives me a hug. Logan... seeing that her car has some wonderful bones sitting on the back seat... takes a hug from me.. and then she jumps into the car. She picks out a bone, settles in and seems to say.. "I'm ready to go"
and then they're off.
I will wait for updates.. maybe some pictures and then the day we meet again..
at graduation!!!!!
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