a day at the pond.....
I'm so glad that the bees continue to use the garden pond for a water source. The summer has been dangerously dry and water is certainly needed by the bees. I find myself sitting for a time and just watching. I also have seen, much to my dismay, that the gold fish in the pond have also discovered the bees... and sadly, any bee that misses it's landing pad and ends up in the pond.... often end up as a meal!!! Which makes me not so happy with the gold fish and I stand at the ready to rescue any bee that I might see in trouble.
Things at work have been slow, so Ed has been taking some days here and there to get some of our "still waiting" projects done. One being the steps that will go off the back deck and into the dog's yard. I'm anxious to get these done because it will be so much easier for the cockers as they age to get into the yard.
Like so many projects... there is a great deal of fussy work that happens first and if this isn't done right, none of it will go well. Ed started with the landing deck....
this part went pretty quick, and now come the stringers which will take much longer to do... but at least it has begun!!!!
So, I had an adventure day with the boys last Saturday. Sean and Kelsey will be married the end of next month, and today was their parties with the gals going to a spa and the guys going to a paint ball match. Afterwards, everyone will meet at the Flagg's new piece of property for a cookout together. Since Kass was invited to join the spa date, I got to stay with the grands.... and we decided to take an adventure... Reagan's ready to go, but Cal thought he would catch a nap.
I took Reagan to the library one day last fall when I was watching him and he has asked about going there again. So, I thought we might as well head back there today. We walked up to the village and stopped in. He quickly remembered the "cool" trucks they had there, but was sad to see that some of the trucks have had "heavy" use while he was away.
He takes good care of his trucks and was quick to point out to Kathleen that these trucks had been broken....
Since there are other things to do, he found the doctor's kit and got all dressed up for that. Announcing that both Cal and I were in good shape. We visited a while and then headed back for home.... once Kass came back it was time to head to the cookout.
Dave has a friend, an older woman, who ran a farm and did haying and the like. As she aged, she found it harder and harder to keep up with all the farm things. Dave for many years, took on the haying and helped her sell it. But the last couple of summers, not being able to get help himself, the haying has gone to the way side. Dave knew of this piece of property close to the fields that he had hayed, and he told his friend that if she ever thought of selling this piece, he would buy it. Well... sort of out of the blue, she recently called him and said she's ready to sell and Dave could buy this piece if he wanted. He snatched it right up... and who wouldn't when you see it...
He's spent a lot of time cleaning it up, it's a nice little pond, full of fish and spring fed. Sean has done some fishing there and has caught some nice fish... the water is clear and it's good swimming. I'm not sure "what" they will do with it, some talk about building a retirement house there, but for now, it's a neat place to get away..
It was a fun way to end the day and Sean and Kelsey were quite surprised as they had no real idea what "their" day was going to be all about. The next big day will be wedding day!!!!
I brought Logan with us... I know her days are numbered, so I am taking her with me as much as possible, she's no trouble to bring and usually is happy just to hang out...
The day was warm and Abi and Reagan were more than quick to get into the pond. Abi is a good swimmer and Reagan is getting braver and better all the time... good thing.. water will be a big part of the things they do when it comes to these kiddos...
Next year, I am sure that Cal will be doing his best to keep up with his older brother and cousin
Dave has even put up a diving board and after a few attempts, Abi got brave and gave it a try..... once she did it, then she did it over and over. The pond is deep, so you can dive,... and yet it's scary to dive!!!
After swimming and eating, we decided to take a walk and Deb showed me around the property. There's 12 acres, so if they decide to build there is plenty of room.. but for now, it was nice to follow the paths.. Logan loved walking with the kids threw the woods
It was a good walk, and when we got back.. to sit again and visit. Cal was pretty excited to see Logan again, and she with him. She is such a good good girl... I haven't found anything or anyone that she hasn't like. Someone is going to get a very special dog for sure...
It was such a fun day... the morning with a "grand" adventure.... and afternoon of peace, good food and family..... a day that will be a fond memory
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