Wednesday, February 21, 2007


On Monday, February 19.... cocker spaniel "Tatter" owned by Sadie and cocker spaniel "Tazzy" owned (?) by Josh... graduated from puppy school.

The puppies learned the commands of sit, down, stay, come, walk nicely and the manners of greeting people politely and playing nicely with other puppies.

The school is put on by the Piscataqua Obedience Club and the teacher is ..... ME!!!!!

Along with Tatter and Tazzy, five other puppies graduated as well. All received their hats and diplomas!!!!

From left to right, the dogs are..... Jimmy, Gus, Sadie, Loke, Tatter, Tazzy and Corky. The puppies will now move onto the Puppy Level II class.