Sunday, October 09, 2011

firemen, field trip and fair!!!!

This week is "fire prevention week" and firefighters all over the country are making appearances in school, pre-schools and day cares, teaching children about "fire". Kass was looking for "someone" to come and talk at her pre-school, and (sadly) having no luck with her local department, she asked her Daddy to come and do the honors.

The children had been "studying" fire prevention all week, so they were pretty excited to have a real fire chief coming to visit.

(Ginger came too and acted as "fire dog")

Ed wasn't able to bring a fire truck, but he did bring all his gear and dressed up so the kids could see a fireman in "working attire". They talked about not being afraid of a fireman and (heaven forbid) if they were in a burning place, to look for the firemen and try to get to them, instead of hiding away from them.

The kids were pretty attentive (and loved each receiving their own little fire hats) Some had questions, but mostly they just listened and watched.

Afterwards, Ed encouraged the kids to try his gear on, and to touch it and play around with it. No one seemed that sure... so Miss Jessie tried the bunker pants on....

and then everyone got in on the game. Who knows, this little chap one day, might grow enough to fit into a pair of fire pants!!!!

Abbie was just delighted to go to "school" and see all the kids. And actually got to spend the rest of the day there, because Ed and I had other things that we needed (and wanted ) to do.

Fire safety.. it's a good thing for everyone to know.. hope you are up to date with your knowledge of it....

After Ed's talk, he had a doctor's appointment in the neighboring town., I brought ?Ginger along because the mall was close by and I thought we should do a bit of "mall work". With the days of her return ticking down, it's now or never.....

We poked around some stores, which are no longer a big deal to her.....

But the little critters in one of the pet shops did catch her attention. She is so gentle with little things (we have three guinea pigs) so she tends to just watch them quietly until you tell her to move along. She is such a good girl, and I feel that I have brought her along about as far as I can... it's time for college.

We then brought Ginger back home, gave all the other doggies a break outside, and it was back into the truck and out to the fair. This is one of the bigger fairs in our area and actually runs for a week. Going on one of the quiet days is a very good choice and the weather was just perfect.

I loved this sign... and thought - I guess my horse couldn't be on this end of the barn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, yes... this is familiar!!!! I am so pleased we got to see this class.....

Handsome animal!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, anyone my age and local will know what this is!!! The original Cinderella's coach from Storyland. When I was little, this was drawn by two white ponies and it was my favorite ride when we visited. Some years later I was sad to see the coach was "motorized", and I had wondered where the original coach had gone.... well... here it is!!!!!And in very good condition....

A stone crusher powered by a tractor.....

and the animals. This is a huge agucultcure fair and the animals were just wonderful.....

prize winning cow and calf....

and the top winning bull. He was impressive, but I think I was more impressed by this little gal that handled him - and believe me, she could handle him...

It was a grand and very busy day... but fall days like this are to be treasured, as they don't happen often enough.....

Project... W.O.O.D

It sounds all romantic and "country" like... cutting your own firewood, preparing for the cold winter days ahead.. enjoying that "nothing like it" wood heat and watching the fire flicker in the stove when the snow is falling and the winds are howling ... ahhhhh

However, at this very moment, all I can think is how tired I am... right down to the core, bone tired. Cutting, splitting and stacking wood is work, and not that I am afraid of work... never have been... but it is work just the same. I know that I am going to so appreciate watching the oil truck pass by our house (we don't even have an oil furnace in the house - we're strictly wood power).. and I must admit, I would rather put our "heating money" into the pocket of a real American logger than some mid east millionaire that I will never know..

but that just doesn't change the fact... I'm tired... Ed's tired ... we certainly have great respect for wood folk who do this day in and day out as a living. We're about half way thru this year's pile, and it does seem nice to see the big pile get smaller and the piles in the wood tent get bigger..... and tomorrow, after some good supper and a nights sleep.. we'll be back at it again.

"wood heat" - it warms you more than once!!!!