What had been fore casted as a "rainy weekend" turned out to be nothing of the sort!!! So, on "Mother's Day"... Ed and I had the family here for a cookout!!! The weather was beautiful and we were actually able to spend most of the time sitting out on the deck. It has occurred to me that this will be the last Mother's day for me in this house, and possibly the last cookout here as well. We head to NC next week and when we get home, it will be June.... come June, a great many weekend are spent at camp.. and that's pretty much how the summer goes!!!! Come fall, we will be in Acton...
I guess Mom's have a way of passing things onto their children, whether they mean to or not. I have done just that..... poor Kas is afraid of thunderstorms (though she is getting better with them living in the south) and this fear came directly from me.... I HATE them!!!!!! but, on a better note, sometimes you pass on "good things" too... like my 4:00 tea time!!!
Like a lot of folks, come 4:00 in the afternoon, I begin to run out of steam. Course, teaching dog classes at night, you need to have your "steam" back.. so I have the habit of either having a coffee, tea or hot cocoa that time of day. Kas has found that she has herself in the same habit!!!! So, for Mother's Day, she sent me this "tea basket"!!! It has all sorts of goodies in it, and the little teapot that is sitting there is really a pot and cup!!! (cup is on the bottom).. Sadie kept along the same "theme" for her gift.. and got me a travel mug.... which, when I have an early morning student (like today) I can take that "last" cup with me!!!... Sadie's cup is the black one and it says.... "coffee and dog hair" on one side.. and "I never leave home without them" on the other side!!!!! Ya, pretty typical for this house I would say!!!!!
So, it was a great weekend... the festival on Sat., presents from the girls, and a cookout yesterday...... I am truly blessed.. and hope that all of you had as much fun on your weekend.......