Friday, April 09, 2010

it's time to fly... again....

It's that time of year again, when our dog club and the Maine Coast Runners host the annual Flyball dog tournament. I meant to ask how many years this has been hosted by our sister groups... it has to be more than 10 (If I remember correctly)......

I used to be on the team with Moxie, we started back in 1998 and is the first official flyball dog team in the state of Maine. After Moxie retired from racing, I didn't have another dog that liked it as well... Trevor ran a little, but you have to have that "certain kind of dog" to play. However, I still have a "love of the sport" and do what I can to support the team. Which now comes in the form of "transportation". It take a lot of "equipment" to run a tournament, and with one kind of trailer or another, we can move the "stuff".

So this morning, Ed, Abbie and I hooked onto the trailer and met up with Shirley and Steve and began to load things to take to the arena. Because there are so many teams coming this year, they have to set up and run two racing lanes. We haven't done this before, but I can say, it was (is) double the work for sure.

Cynthia was happy to Abbie sit, so I could help with the unload. Everyone was so happy to see Abbie there, and we talked about the day when she might want a racing dog and be a jr. handler... poor Abbie, we have her life planned away.....

getting the mats put down was the first order of business.... these gals are "official mat weights"...

Lots of planning, measuring and getting things just right are in order!!!!

and the raffle table has all sorts of goodies to temp the players. Sadly, I have a busy weekend myself, so I won't be attending the event as usual. But I know there will be some good racing.. so if you are in the area... go and take a peek....
good luck teams, I will be anxious to hear all about it.....

check this out...

soooo... one of the birthday gifts I got from Deb was a subscription to "Horse Illustrated".. and my first copy arrived yesterday. It's the May issue which is really neat, because it's all about the miniature horse!!!! And not only do we have a mini....

But guess who's photo is in the magazine!!! Yup, that is Miss Mocha there on page 50. This is the photo that Dusty Perin took, which also made it into a book about minis (I blogged about that some time ago)....
goodness, first Silver made it into a magazine.. then Mocha's photo made it in the book.. and "chicken" has her photo in a magazine and now Mocha again... hope these residents of Sweetgrass Farm don't get too swell headed!!!!
come on over and have a visit, autographs are done for free.......