This was a "working" weekend... and did we work!!! With TWO cottages for rent this summer, there was a TON of sorting out and cleaning to make ready for the season.
The back camp wasn't too bad, since it was closed up nice and clean, all that was needed was to do mouse patrol, and go over the fine details .
but the front camp--which belongs to Ed's Mom and will be rented for the first time this year--needed a lot of organizing and clean up. I was SO happy that my dear friend, Kim, was available to help us out. Kim cleans houses for a living (AND if anyone needs some help in that department... I HIGHLY recommend her!!!! you won't be able to keep up with her!!!!) Between the three of us, we got a lot of work done.... personally, I am exhausted, but the cottages sure look wonderful, and we can rest easy knowing that they are ready to go. It was a good weekend to do that sort of thing, because the weather was cool and rainy, so I suppose it was better to get it all done.
Officially, the summer has begun and I am looking forward to having "real camp weekends"..... good friends, cookouts, long walks with the dogs.... and playing in the lake.