Wednesday, July 22, 2009

it's a .......

We have some news... most of our friends already know part of this news, but for some of my "dear readers" this will be all new to you. A few months ago, our Sadie came and told us that she is expecting.. to be totally honest, this news was a "shocker"... Sadie is still trying to find her own "way in life" and "baby" wasn't exactly on the list. It took me some time to put this all together, but as time has gone on... I am beginning to look forward to the big event. It has meant a great deal to me all the support that we have all received from our family and friends. And since Sadie has moved back home with us... you can just imagine that the push to get into the house is even more so...

But today, I went with her to see the ultra sound.. and we have been given the news that (96% sure) there is a little GRAND DAUGHTER on the way... due to arrive around the middle of October. As I drove home, I can already see little riding chaps, a helmet... a child's saddle, and the first "walk, trot horse show class"... OR... junior handler with a cute little cocker at her side......

the future holds much excitement and joy......

congratulations Deb!!!

Last June, Deb brought Alice (Mocha's foal) to the driving clinic. Deb wanted to add to her horse knowledge and Alice was being... well, say we say, Less than agreeable when it came to driving. Deb worked with Butch, picked up some new ideas, and she and Alice did some amazing work at the clinic.
After the clinic they ran into another trouble spot, but Deb kept her cool and took a deep breath and continue on with her training of Alice. Part of which was giving Alice a little time off.

This morning when I opened my email, look at the great pictures that were waiting for me. Deb has Alice back in cart and reports that she is going well!!!!

We "horse folk" can certainly understand the thrill that you have when all of a "sudden" your hard work, patience and determination begins to pay off....

so.. I just want to send a huge congratulations to Deb and to Alice.. and wish them both many miles of happy driving...

I'll be sure to tell Mocha!!!!!!