Friday, June 13, 2008

just things...

I felt bad for the trash men on Wednesday... this is what they had to deal with when arriving at our house!!! the "left overs" of the great basement clean out. "Sadly" I fear that our trash pile over the summer will look more like this and less like normal. Usually I have just one or two bags waiting out there for them, but, weeding out is a good thing and I guess they are the ones that get stuck with it!!! If I ever see them, I will have to say thank you.

It's kind of fun all this sorting out business, as I had thought, I am finding things that I had wondered what happened to them. I am also organizing as I go along so I won't loose things again. Ed always said (when he owned the moving company) that everyone should move every six years or so... I thought he was just drumming up business, but, I would think you wouldn't have so much "stuff" if you moved around often!!!

I debated about setting up "Titus's pond" this summer, and finally decided that I would. It doesn't take much to get it running, and I really enjoyed the sight and sound of it last year. Titus also enjoyed his afternoons out there, though the big tank he is in now does offer him plenty of swimming space. When we get to the new house, I would like to plan a turtle garden and put his pond in there. That won't happen for awhile, but it's fun to think about it. I will have to get Deb to help me with it, she is a real gardener (I need to get some shots of her gardens and show them to you) and I bet she could come up with some wonderful designs and ideas... and easy plants to keep, since I am certainly not blessed with a green thumb!!!!

Mocha has been invited to my niece's birthday party. So, after my riding lesson with Tonka on Thursday, I brought Mocha home with me. She was in dire need of a bath and good brush out. And, after all that work, I didn't want her returning to the paddock to roll around in the dust!!!! She cleans up well, and after being such a good girl for her bath, a bit of green grass was in order. She's put some weight on over the winter, and I only hope that her little saddle will fit. I don't know how many of the children will actually get on her, but, the little saddle does help them sit better. Guess we'll see this afternoon!!!
We found out yesterday afternoon that the hay will be in today... so, after the birthday party, I will be racing to Acton and help Ed get the hay in... we have 400 bales coming in. Thankfully, we got our hay elevator this week (thanks Dave).... it came in just in the nick of time!!!

So, it's off for a busy day.. this Friday the 13th...... and there will be plenty of blogging to do at a later date.....