Sunday, April 27, 2008

horse on the farm

Today was an exciting day on "Sweetgrass Farm".. and because I have so many good pictures to share, it's going to take a couple of "blogs" to do just that. So hopefully, "you" are all interested in horse stuff... if not, just skip the next few blog postings.

As previously reported, our friends, Becky and Butch called and made plans to come today to see the barn, and help get Tonka back into driving mode. So, bright and early this morning, Ed and I went to fetch Tonka and get him up to the farm. The weather was not the best, it was quite cold and drizzly, but, I wouldn't allow it to dampen my spirits!!! This was a taste of future days ahead, and I couldn't wait.

As we unloaded, Tonka was very curious about his new surroundings. It's been a while since he has seen a field like this one, and he was quite happy to check it all out.

He backed off the trailer like a gentlemen, took a big deep sniff of the air, and a long whinny..... just in case someone should answer back!!!!

I took him over to the roundpen, wanting him to have some time to check out his new surroundings and get settled in before Becky and Butch arrived.

He didn't quite know what to do first, check out the countryside, have a good roll in the soft grass, do a little grazing, or run around like a crazy boy..... he actually did a little of everything....

we were off to a good start......