Friday, January 25, 2019

Oh ponies

Oh crud!!! So tonight Ed and head down to feed and find Mocha laying in her stall. No happy nicker when we talk to her and no interest in hay....colic!!!! I grab her halter and lead rope and get her walking, Ed calls the vet.  She's looking very glum, but not in distress ..yet. Two years ago we lost Duke to colic, so we don't fool around with this.
Dr. Nichol comes in good time, overall Mocha is ok..but light but sounds, puts us threw the routine of dealing with colic ..pain meds, a good dose of oil, water and movement.
It was a long night, checking every couple hours, but by midnight she was certainly looking more like herself, and come morning...totally back to normal.....whew!!!

We had a huge temperature change..going from below zero to a day in the 40s. And while that is so very pleasant in the middle of winter, almost every horseman says it's colic weather. I know we always go on the watch with big weather changes. We asked the vet, and though there isn't any scientific proof to speak of, it does seem to be a known fact. Fortunately, we caught it and certainly will be on watch for any future events....