My "poor little blog"... I feel like I have been so busy this summer, that this is one of things that gets pushed aside. But, I love keeping it, and often find myself going back over the "stories" that I have written. So, since I haven't had a minute to write... here's a picture story just to catch me up.
I LOVE this photo of Ed and Reagan... I love seeing Ed in his uniform... I think he always looks good......
But, sadly, the uniform came out for a not good reason. We said "goodbye" to a friend and fellow fire fighter this week... Brian Starkey. Brain was only 44 years old.. and poor health took him away much too soon. In honor of their friend.. the fire fighters decided to give Brian a full farewell service... and as hard as these things are to watch.. it is such a tribute of love from them all.....
The town was brought to a complete halt when the procession came threw. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised that many of the tourist waited quietly and patiently as it came threw...... (tourist don't have a great reputation in town....)
One never enjoys something like this. Brain left his wife Bonnie, three grown children and three grandbabies... so very sad. I didn't get any photos, but I did bring Danny along with me, and I have to say that I really feel he brought comfort to many of the people who petted and asked how my puppy raising "thing" was going.......
It has been - so far - a beautiful summer. We headed down to the beach one evening and saw this beautiful full moon. I guess the moon this month and next are going to be amazing due to their position in the sky..... I'll be watching for them!!!
Course you can go to the beach without some ice cream and a walk along..... Reagan loves walking along the beach.. and that's Diana and Patrick there with Kass... they will have a little on with them next year.... Diana is having a little girl in December!!!!
Speaking of "little"... we have six new keets (guinea hens).... a friend of mine had ordered a batch but didn't need all those babies, so I split the order with her.....
They're so cute, and Abbie loves to play with them. We'll keep them "inside" for about six weeks... then move them to the outside pen. They might get a bit of free range before the cold weather sets in, but if not... I'll have a nice batch to add to the flock next spring. Have to say, they do a great job of bug control here on the farm..... even if they are a bit loud!!!!
The bees are doing very well.... and both hives are as busy as can be. I know for certain we'll get some honey out of the second year hive, and perhaps a little from this years. I try not to "bother" them too much, but I so enjoy going into those hives and seeing what they are up to..... This is a nice frame of honey in the works....
and the other morning, I looked out and saw two "mother turkeys" and their brood. I think I counted around 25 chicks between the two of them. They hung around the farm for a few days, and then - I guess - headed to parts unknown.. but they sure were fun to watch.
From here, summer just look busier and busier....fall will drop in on us before we know.. but I am using up every moment I can.......