Saturday, June 14, 2008

barn pics....

Even though "we" are bringing in hay, getting docks into the lake, pre-packing the house, sorting out the last details on the house plans, lining up electricians, plumbers and the like....

Ed and Ken still manage to continue working in the barn... this week we have the beginnings of the last three walk out box stalls... it's really beginning to look like horse barn!!!!

The red doors look grand... and the siding has been picked out for the front... so, that will soon be going up....

It's waiting for us..........

the first of many....

The very first load of hay heading into our new barn!!!

Onto the new elevator.....

Up into the loft!!!

Enough of all this "picture stuff" lets get this job moving!!!

IF I had any worries about room in this barn.... you're looking at 77 bales in this pile...

I think there will be enough room for hay.....

A pony for Naomi

Actually, it wasn't a "pony".. but a miniature horse, and it "wasn't for" Naomi, but for her birthday party... either way, Mocha was a big hit with all the children there.

I can't believe that my little niece is two already, though I am sure my sister can, as they enter the wonderful world of "two year olds!!!" Sometimes, I do miss that stage of my life, but more than not, I am happy to sit on the side and smile.... they are fun days to remember, and I am happy to remember them!!!!

As I had thought, some of the children at the party could hardly wait for a turn on Mocha, others talked "big" until it was their turn to ride, and some we managed to talk into a ride, once they had the chance to sit on her for a little bit.

Naomi didn't want that much to do with Mocha or having a birthday ride, and it took a couple of tries just to get her on. (I will need to change that in the future!!!!) We actually got her to try after giving "Jimmy" (her favorite little doll) a ride around the yard. Here, Naomi is watching and telling "Jimmy" to hold on tight while Auntie Sue and Mocha take him for a little ride. After she saw that "Jimmy" didn't fall off and had such a nice ride, she decided it would be safe enough to try!!!

Mocha is amazing with children!!! she has a real interest in them and is so very gentle. A couple of the kids were pretty uncertain on her, and I would find her stepping so carefully when they were on. With the braver children she would step right out.

Before we went to the party, I had her out here at home, and a lady stopped by and asked if I did therapy work with her, and would I be interested in taking her to a senior home. I am thinking "why not" and if I can find a day or two, I will call them as ask if they would like a visit. She only requires a couple of carrots and lots of pats as her fee....