Actually, it wasn't a "pony".. but a miniature horse, and it "wasn't for" Naomi, but for her birthday party... either way, Mocha was a big hit with all the children there. I can't believe that my little niece is two already, though I am sure my sister can, as they enter the wonderful world of "two year olds!!!" Sometimes, I do miss that stage of my life, but more than not, I am happy to sit on the side and smile.... they are fun days to remember, and I am happy to remember them!!!!
As I had thought, some of the children at the party could hardly wait for a turn on Mocha, others talked "big" until it was their turn to ride, and some we managed to talk into a ride, once they had the chance to sit on her for a little bit.
Naomi didn't want that much to do with Mocha or having a birthday ride, and it took a couple of tries just to get her on. (I will need to change that in the future!!!!) We actually got her to try after giving "Jimmy" (her favorite little doll) a ride around the yard. Here, Naomi is watching and telling "Jimmy" to hold on tight while Auntie Sue and Mocha take him for a little ride. After she saw that "Jimmy" didn't fall off and had such a nice ride, she decided it would be safe enough to try!!!
Mocha is amazing with children!!! she has a real interest in them and is so very gentle. A couple of the kids were pretty uncertain on her, and I would find her stepping so carefully when they were on. With the braver children she would step right out.Before we went to the party, I had her out here at home, and a lady stopped by and asked if I did therapy work with her, and would I be interested in taking her to a senior home. I am thinking "why not" and if I can find a day or two, I will call them as ask if they would like a visit. She only requires a couple of carrots and lots of pats as her fee....