"What's next?" seems to be my question of the day these past few days. We are trying to get a list in "propriety" order and get the most important things done.. trouble is, everything needs to be done and it's all " important"!!! But for me, are the cabinets to be done first, or should I finish the upstairs bathroom and hallway... or should the windows get done??? I just don't know... but painting is "my life" and I just chug along as best I can!!!
Brother-in-law John to the rescue!!! Ed wasn't too certain how the stairs needed to go together, stairs are tricky things. So, we gave John a call (he has stair experience) and up he came to give us a hand in figuring this stair thing out. He has even volunteered to help which is so huge for us right now (THANKS a million JOHN!!!) Here Ed and John work on figuring the posts and what will soon be the railings.....
They took up the "floor" in the hallway... didn't think I would see this again!!!, but it gives them a good solid base to work off. Next week, there will be wooden floors over this sub floor, so if it needs to come up.. now's the time. I am excited about the railings, this "open" hallway gives me the creeps and I have to be very brave to walk here!!!!
The kitchen is really pulling together. Another good thing, because we need these cabinets out of the way for when the floor folk come next week. I have almost all the kitchen cabinets primed now, and think I have decided on a "color" for them.