Sunday, September 14, 2014

beginning to feel like fall....

With the little "L" being out on the front lawn... and Abbie around to help... I got into the fall decoration mode.....

We also made a check on the bees to see what the honey stores are looking like. 
We won't be taking any from the new hive this year as they are still getting things in order to get threw the winter. And we were hoping to take some from the bigger hive... we found plenty of honey, but none of it was capped... which means... it's not quite ready. We'll make a check in a couple of weeks and see what's going on. Though with the hot dry weather, I fear that they may not have been able to make as much as they like, and I wonder if we'll even have a crop this year...
Darci was interested in the bee activity... and she's not afraid of them....
Even if we don't pull any honey this fall.. I certainly enjoying having them here on the farm. It's a fun hobby and maybe I don't keep a good garden, but I can help the ones who do!!!!