Friday, February 28, 2014

neads run!!!

I feel like I say this all the time... "where does the time go??" between sessions of dog classes that go every six weeks, grandbabies that grow before my eyes... monthly check in at NEADS... I feel like my life is on this "clock" of the things that I do. I guess we might all feel that way.... but here we are... check in time once again. Deb and Cappy have become great friends, and working the two of them..(let alone about to add another puppy in my life)... I will say... I am busy!!!!!
Cappy is coming along well... she is very sweet, and not as outgoing as Debbie is. She loves walking up to the barn with me in the mornings, and has become quite used to things like "hay dropping from the ceiling... horses racing into stalls for their meals, and guinea hens strolling by"... but I have some concerns about this little one and time will tell as to whether she decides to be a service dog or not...
Bernice traveled down with us this month, and had the joy of seeing the puppy she had raised.... "T".  He decided not to be a service dog and is now the beloved pet of Donna... It is such a privilege for puppy raisers to see their babies.....
And they never forget us either. All the dogs that I have had the pleasure of raising always are beyond thrilled when we can be together. (and I can't wait to see Rylie in April!!!)....
So, while we wait for Dave... the girls sit quietly and wait with us..... But this month I had the most amazing thing happen. We were standing around and chatting with some of the NEADS folks, and this lady walked into the lobby. About the time she arrived, someone spoke Debbie's name, and with that, this lady turned and asked "what is that dog's name?"  "Debbie" I said, and then found out that this was the lady who named my dear little dog.  Meeting your dog's sponsor is not so common, I met Chester's sponsor, but I haven't met any of my other dogs'.. so, this meant so much to me!!! I asked how Debbie got her name, I mean, let's face's an unusual name for a dog... and turns out that she is named for this lady's sister, who passed from cancer. We had such a nice talk, she was so interested in Deb and the work that we have been doing together.... and then asked once again, what my name was. When I told her.... the most unusual look came across her face... and she told me that her sister's very best friend for most of her life.... had nearly the same name as me..... talk about a "God's wink"...... so, you know that my day at NEADS, was simply beyond wonderful...

We did our "round table" talk, filling Dave in on all the details of the pups...  while they in turn waited quietly (as usual under the table). And since it was yet another VERY cold winter day, we opted out of going to the city, and decided to "do lunch" and just work around the NEADS campus. 
Since I was working with Cappy this trip, Linda got the chance to work with Deb. She did well for Linda, but I fear that those eyes of her seldom leave me. And I only hope that it won't be a huge problem when it's time to turn her in and have someone else take over her training. She and I have become very close... and I can't say that it's "all good".....
We all went to lunch at a cute little place just a short distance from NEADS. This was Cappy's first restaurant visit and as you can tell, she did just fine. Settled right in and took a little nap......
Back at NEADS, we worked in the training room and did some stair work. You don't think about stairs.. at least I didn't.. we run up and down them all the time... but when someone has to move slow on the stairs, or depend on their dog, it's a different situation. I am now very mindful of how Deb and I or Cappy and I handle stairs.....
Deb kept a careful eye on Cap and I as we practiced up and down......
Then Dave pulled out this big gorilla and made all sorts of noises and bounced him all around. Our puppies?????
thought it was all a big game and were more interested in pouncing on it. Dave wanted to see if any of them might "run away"... all I can say... "hardly"..... 
Deb thought the whole thing was rather silly.....
and when it was her turn, she looked at Dave with this "really??? is this all that you have for me???"   (silly Dave!!!)

It was a very successful day.. once again filled with wonderful surprises... good friends and great puppies. We gathered up our things, said goodbye to the staff and headed for home. Until next month!!!!!

"somewhere over the rainbow"...

The most amazing thing has happened over the past week....... 

This is Olivia.... born on September 7, 2013. I have been looking over the past two years for another brown, white and tan cocker. One like Moxie was, and like Camille is. I love the coloring and the fact that they're not very common. I have been asking all my cocker friends to keep their eyes open for me, and any litter that is expecting and might have brown and white tri's... I have been waiting. My good friend Karen, contacted me in August, saying that she had a litter coming that should have brown and white tri's and on top of that... the puppies would be related to Camille. I was so excited. Well, the pups were born and no brown and white tri's... just brown and tans. 

Now, Karen felt that one little girl would be just the one for me, and we talked back and forth and I thought maybe I should go with a brown and tan. And the photos she sent me as the puppies grew were wonderful.. and I thought and thought. But the bottom line was, the puppies would go to their new homes around Christmas, and though her price for them was more than fair, I just couldn't see spending the money, housetraining a puppy in winter, and trying to finish up Debbie's obedience work all at the same time. soooooo...... I opted out and said I would wait for the next litter with the hopes that a brown and white tri would come along. After that, I cried for days wondering if I had made a good decision. 

Last week, Karen calls again...... and guess what, the little dog that she thought would be good for me is still available. Olivia (as Karen had called her) had been sold to someone else, but for one reason or another, they weren't going to be taking her. Karen did have someone else in mind, but it would mean that Livy would be going far away, and live more or less as a "kennel dog"... so, Karen just wanted to be sure that I wasn't still interested. 

Well, you just know that I had to go and see her. And in the days before I did, I did some praying and came up with an "offer" for Karen, telling myself that if she felt OK with it, and the fact that this puppy was "still available" and if Camille liked her... then she was the one meant to be. 
The "meeting" between the two was amazing, I know they don't know they are related, but they hit it off right away. Livy is Camille's niece... Camille's half sister is Livy's Mom..... so, even though Livy isn't brown and white, she could have brown and white puppies....
so... you all know where this story is going, if you know anything about me....
Karen thought my offer was just fine, and part of that is... when Livy has her babies in a year or two.. Karen will have her pick.....

two brown babies together... 

and hopes that "everyone else" will love her as well.....

Because this little girl is mine, and will be coming to the farm next week. 

but there's just one more "thing" to add to the story. It's been five years since I lost my dear Moxie... and not looking to replace her by any means, it's just that the "search for just the right one"  has taken a long time. And after I made the decision to bring Livy home.. I thought that perhaps having another brown and white tri might not be so good... since I don't want to put "Moxie" expectations on "anyone"... and then a really strange thing... as I was thinking about all of this.. on the TV early one morning, I heard the song "Somewhere over the rainbow" and got the strangest feeling that Moxie, from the other side of "Rainbow Bridge"  approved of my decision. And then TWICE more on the radio.. that same day... I heard the song again.

So, there is no doubt now... Livy is meant to be with us... and I am so exited at the times ahead and where this little gal and I will travel together....  

welcome home LIVY!!!!!