I am guessing it had something to do with my childhood. Probably like a lot of you, we got these little green turtles at the department store. I had "hundreds" of them, mainly because they were pretty cheap to buy and usually died within a month. I remember you could get a plastic bowl with an island in the middle of it, and the "fancy" ones had a "palm tree" on the island. You were suppose to put your turtle in sunlight a few hours each day and feed it bugs and things, and if your turtle didn't escape, he sadly didn't live long either.
Now, that I have "properly owned" a turtle, I feel very sad for those poor creatures and what they went thru for our entertainment. Turtle keeping is exactly "easy".. they are a reptile (as you know) and they have some very specific needs. If I had done more research before getting Titus, I might have thought differently. Because this "free" turtle has been a rather expensive "pet".
You see, last year, my family got me a ten gallon turtle tank for my new pet. But when we got to the shop, they did not have any babies... as I had been told. Disappointed, I sort of "complained" to the store manager, and to try and make it right, he offered me Titus for nothing. He told me he was a male turtle about three years old.. "they" say the males are better pets, because you don't have to worry about "eggs being laid"..... and the fact he was an "older" turtle, got me past that crucial stage... so, I took him.
Well, the 10 gallon tank wasn't nearly large enough for him, so within the first couple of weeks, we had a 20 gallon tank.... which was ok, because the same filter, sunning lamp, sunning rock and such all worked fine in the 20 gallon. After about 6 months or so, we noticed that Titus was getting bigger!!! I thought he was pretty much full grown.. but, I guess not . The 20 gallon was getting squishy and on top of that, he could escape from it!!! More than twice we have had "turtle hunts" in the house. I began to look at bigger tanks... and found a 75 gallon that looked like it would work for a bit. Course that meant new filters, lamps...etc. etc...... well, the clerk in the store was trying to "get rid of a 120 gallon tank" that had been special ordered and never claimed. She "gave" it to us for nearly the price of the 75 gallon tank... a REAL bargain!!!
I didn't exactly realize how big this tank was, until we got it home!!!! You need a lot of space for such a big tank!!! and it took us a few months to get it set up.. one thing was ---Ed needed to make a base for it... 120 gallons of water weighs a lot!!! and with a special size, you can't just go and buy a base. So, that done, and a corner in the living room, Titus moved into his third tank within a year!!!!
Now, don't get me wrong... I wouldn't trade him for the world.. I have spent many hours watching him and amazed at some of the things he does. He is also quite personable, he will "follow" you back and forth when you stand by the tank... he paddles like mad in the corner when he is hungry!!, He does his "stretches" when on the sunrock, and has been a fun pet overall. but, if you are thinking about turtle keeping.. do a little a homework... AND plan for a pet for a long time, I understand that with proper care... turtles can go 15 to 20 years!!!!! Certainly a long way from the ones we had as kids!!!