Sunday, April 12, 2009

MY students!!!!!

I know that I have the VERY best job in the whole world!!! Being a dog obedience instructor brings me so many joys and blessings, that I can't even begin to share it all with you. Aside from the wonderful dogs that I have the priviledge of working with, are the wonderful owners... many of whom turn into dear friends. Such is the case of these two students.....

This is Rick and his beautiful boxer, Mindy....this past weekend, they attended a two day seminar and Mindy is now an official therapy dog!!! She and Rick passed the course and test that is sponsored by Therapy Dog International. Rick already has some ideas of "where" he and MIndy will be "working"... so I know there are going to be some pretty wonderful stories to share in the near future!!!! Congratulations to you both.... excellent work!!! (and I am sure that Kelli and Gus are very proud of you two....)

And this is Oliver!!! who is owned by another student/friend of mine. This weekend, Mary and Oliver were entered in a two day dog show, working on their second Rally Obedience title. Mary has reported that not only did Oliver earn two legs in the Advance Rally class, but he placed first on Saturday and third on Sunday!!! This is a long way from the puppy class that Oliver did with me, but I am so proud that I am a part of his obedience career....Excellent work you to go for that second title!!!!
Told you I had the best job!!! Stories and "reports" just like these make me so very happy.... and I just had to share them with all of you!!!!

Easter blessings and random things...

Had I gotten up a tad earlier I might have gone to the sun rise service at church. But since there were horses to tend to, and I didn't feel like rushing about, I took some quiet time with the Lord and watched the sun rise over the lake. It was a wonderful, personal time to spend in prayer and be mindful of what Easter is truly about. Christ the Lord has risen today!!!!

The Easter treats aren't as "fancy" as they might have been in the past, but I still had to get a little something for the "kids". We never were that much into "baskets and bunnies", but it's always nice to find a special treat... even if you are a "big kid"....

The day was very cool and bright. Attendance at church was near bursting.. wish that could be the case every Sunday!!! I did have a new outfit to wear (thanks to Kas helping me shop... I "hate" shopping, but really did need some dressy clothes).. still, I couldn't help but wish that I had my comfy jeans and warm sweatshirt!!!! Service was wonderful, and we had a nice visit with friends afterwards in the fellowship hall. Then it was off to my parent's house for a great dinner with the family.

My little niece is such a doll. It is such a blessing to have a real youngster around. Here she is playing "flower girl".... she is very entertaining!!! I can't believe that she will be three in just a few months, time certainly has a way of flying by....

After a very nice afternoon with the family, it was time to head home and do chores. My dear "barn fairy" Betty had done all the stalls, and I dare say, a ton of grooming, because every horse looked very clean!!! All Ed and I had to do was feed and bring in for the evening.

Do you see something wrong with this picture??? Like one little horse on the WRONG side of the fence!!!! Miss "Tude" was out again!!! honestly I don't know how she does it!!! I am just glad that the grass isn't richly green, and she probably hadn't been out very long!!! Fortunately she stuck close to the barn, and came running in when we called for her... but I will have to be careful. Founder is a real problem with these minis, and green grass can be a huge factor... so, when the grass begins to come in, we will have to fix this "escaping thing" for sure!!!! (maybe if she drops some of that winter coat, she could actually feel the zap of the fence!!!)

I have been enjoying a real treat the past couple of mornings. Our church's women's group met this past week. One of the ladies brought a big batch of home made donuts!!! and they were just wonderful!!! I can't even remember the last time I had "real home made donuts!!" When I was a little girl, a lady named Mrs. Hutchins made the best home made donuts, and I don't think I have had them since she has passed away. I would really like to learn how to make them, and I plan on finding out one way or another!!! course that might not be such a good idea, but I think I will just the same.

Yesterday afternoon, we filled the water tank yet again. I have no complaints about this tank... it got us thru the winter, and even though it can be a "pain" hauling it to the camp, and then trekking it back to the barn... it is way easier than trying to transport buckets of water. However, this task is beginning to "get old".. but Ed is thinking that he might have a way to get water to the barn from the well now that we don't have to worry about hard freezing anymore. SO.... there is a chance that this is the last time we haul water from the camp... that would be a great "improvement"...

Another Easter come and gone. It was quieter than some, and better than others (like the year that Nate was deploying to Iraq or last year when my dear Ed had been in the hospital!!!!!).. but for what it "was"... I am truly grateful...

Happy Easter.