Saturday, December 12, 2015

no snow...

so I have come to a decision about the little red sleigh... and that is to sell it. We bought it, obviously to go sleighing in, but I have only used it a couple of times, and find it to be too small for both myself and for Duke. Which is too bad, because I like the looks of it. However, it just has sat under the lean too for the longest time and I would rather move it on and perhaps find one more to my liking. 

I wasn't sure if anyone would buy it, but thinking it's Christmas time, and it's red... it would have a better chance of being bought... and so it has been. I think the lady who bought it is going to use it for sleighing, I hope so.. I hate to see these old beauties just sitting in the weather as someone's decoration... but, that's not my choice to  make...

I will admit, I felt a little sad to see it loaded in the back of the truck and taken away. I remember how excited I was to bring it home, but again, if I'm not going to use it, I don't want it sitting around... taking up space and just being underfoot.... so, the monies will be tucked away and I will look for another sleigh that will suit out needs. I still have the little box sleigh to use this winter... but if I find that one perfect sleigh, that one might go too.  Best wishes little red sleigh.. hope you have a happy new home

well, this event has been on the "to do list" for a few years... The speedway does this huge Christmas light show and Ed has always wanted to go and check it out. So, we grabbed Kass, Nate and Reagan... and headed over to see what exactly this was all about. We certainly weren't the only ones... the lines were long!!!! and this is just the first weekend they are open.

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect... but I will say it was AWESOME. You do it by car and get to drive around the whole speedway (including some parts no the race track) and it is just full of all these wonderful display of lights. Many of them are moving. And there were all kinds of themes... Santa's of course.. and race cars of course.. but also small villages, and manger scenes and I just thought it was very well done and well worth the trip out there.

It was hard to get good photos.. so I didn't have too many that came out, but Reagan thought it was very neat and I would go another year.....

On another note... the weather has been so very odd.... no snow, and really almost warm most days... I beginning to think there will be no white Christmas for us.... and sometimes, it's hard to feel the spirit with this warmth...... the winter will come, I'm sure.. but I would like a little white for Christmas ... and sleighing!!!!


Tis the season for parties.... and one that I always look forward to is Dave's office party. He is so fun and usually picks some pretty nice restaurants to treat us all to. He also includes all of the family which makes it really nice. This year was Chineese and since we had Abi with us, she got to come along too and see Reagan.
We had a good crowd of family and friends, and a really good meal to boot.

The next party on the list was the dog club Christmas party... which, again, is always a good time. This year we rented a hall and that was a good idea on behave of the club. It was bright and warm, and they allowed us to do some decorating.... dog themed of course!!!

We had our annual auction.. where members bring in mystery  gifts, that are bidded on... then we use the proceeds for some community project. You don't always know what you're bidding on... though often a clue is provided to help. It's great fun and sometimes it can get almost out of control. I am a careful bidder... I don't really like not knowing what I'm after, so I am good about keeping to my limit

Nice turnout of the club membership

We also decided to have the meal catered and then we provided desserts. This too turned out to be a very good idea... sometimes with pot luck (though I really do like them).. you get too much of one thing and not enough of another. With having the meal catered we got a good solid supper and then the desserts were amazing....

Getting ready for the auction..

Wayne, once again was the auctioneer... he is really funny and does seem to have a way of getting those bids up nice and high...I attempted a few things... but had not luck...

However, there was one item that I was pretty sure of ... and actually have been looking for.... a doggie cot!!! Since we changed the living around the doggies don't have anything to "get up on" and I thought a cot would be nice for them. There was one in the auction... I might have paid a little more than it would have costed somewhere else.. but I get to go home with it.. and I know the doggies will love it. So.. success for me.... and the holiday season is in full swing...