As I pretty much figured, this week (is) and has been on the "crazy" side. Work is going like mad up on the farm!!! Despite the rainy weather... which actually has let up over the past couple of days... the footings for the house are now in. And "the house" goes from looking small to looking huge depending on the day and the work that is going on around it.
We actually have a friend that is doing the foundation work. Morse Foundations, and this is the third one that Scott has done for us. He did the camp, the barn and now the house. I first met Scott on the camp project (15 years ago) and then he showed up in one of my dog classes with a beautiful German Shepherd puppy and we really got the chance to know each other. Since they did an excellent job with the camp and were now "dog students"... it was only right that we called on him to do the barn.... and now of course the house. It is really impressive to watch someone who knows how to do this work!!! I sat one morning and watched Scott and his brother Jason, prepare for the walls. They measured and re-measured, and numbers flew all over the place. Scott prides himself in having his foundations perfect..... he told me that a builder once said to him..."I can't work on this foundation you poured"... worried Scott asked why, and the builder said.... "because its only a half inch off and I have never worked on a "perfect" foundation before!!!!" And we all know, that the base of a good home has to be strong...... I only hope Scott and Jason truly appreciate their talents, I know I will!!!!
Now, that the foundation forms are in place, I have a real sense of how this is all going to look. With luck and good weather.... cement arrives on Wednesday morning.....
And the tough work continues in the "old" house (boy does that sound strange)... packing and weeding out. Actually it's a good feeling to let those things go that are just taking up space. I think that Mona is a tad worried that she might not be going along.... so, she decided that she would pack herself. Course, she picked out a box that is headed to storage, and I told her I doubt she would last a year being in this box........
I did manage to get my items up to the fair for judging last night, and the Acton Fair opens on Thursday. We have plans to go Saturday evening with Deb and Dave, and our other friends, Lisa and Chris, so I am really looking forward to that. The first of the fairs!!!! and then... Sunday morning, bright and early... Ed and Dave head to North Carolina to bring Kas, Nate, Charlie and Nora back to Maine!!!! Four years have flown by when I look back on it now..... and Kas wasn't too excited to see my "fall photos"...... for she still sits in the 90 degree weather, pool side, in NC.....
Kass.... you better find a sweater or two!!!!!