Monday, August 27, 2007

don't ask....

I have it as "policy" never to ask ... "what next?" because somehow if you do, something always comes about, and the fact that I know the Good Lord would never send more than you can handle, and that faith and prayer will get you thru anything... it's just best not to say the words. BUT, when I woke up last Thursday morning and found that Moxie was having a great amount of trouble walking, I made two panicked phone calls... one to Laura to say Tonka's lesson was off and the other to the vet, warning them that I was on the way in!!! (mind you I said to warn them.. not ask them!!!)
Well, something is up with Moxie, though it's still a bit of a mystery and we're taking it day by day. The lameness is probably due to lyme's disease and she is on meds for that, but in all the tests that they ran, it has been discovered that she has the beginnings of kidney disease. She is on meds for that too, will be for the rest of her life, and I am still learning about the whole thing and what impact this has on her life. For the moment she is very quiet and still limping about, so I have been at her beck and call, and doing whatever she needs to have done.

Aside for all of that, my life, such as it is, continues to go it's pace. I had made a promise to the daycare where Kassy works, that Mocha would pay them a visit and give little pony rides to the children. (she needs to earn her keep you know). so Thursday afternoon, after we sort of knew what was going on with Moxie, I packed Mocha up in the trailer and went over to the daycare. The children were so cute and very excited to see her (don't you love this picture? Notice "who" is "penned in"!!!) I didn't have too many takers on the pony rides, some of these kids have a hard time being around dogs, let alone a horse that can look them in the eye!!! Mocha was a very good girl and was very gentle and careful around the little ones!!! She got lots of apples and carrots as a paycheck and was pretty pleased with herself.
Then it was off to camp. They had predicted very hot and humid weather, and when that happens there is only one place for me. Moxie still wasn't feeling great, but I knew I could watch her at camp just as easy as at home, and she likes it there. The weather turned off just as predicted, and I spent some time in the lake. And look who's turned out to be another swimmer dog.... Cole!!!! He loves the water, and though he doesn't swim too far, he certainly enjoys paddling around the water's edge. In fact, all the dogs went in, which only proves just how hot it was..... Moxie didn't swim.. which proves just how yucky she felt.

It was also Acton Fair weekend. I usually have a piece or two to enter in the fair, but I didn't have anything ready this year, and just as well, the way things went last week, I wouldn't have had the time to get them up to be entered. I did, however, enter a square in the Acton Fair Quilt. Each year, they have a contest... they give you a theme and a little patch of material, and you need to come up with a square and mail in it by a certain date. When all the squares arrive, they are made into one quilt ..the fair quilt... and are displayed. They also judge each square, so, if it's good enough, you can earn a ribbon!!! At the end of the fair, the quilt is given to one of the contestants, chosen by a drawing. Well, my square didn't pin and I haven't heard from the fair committee, so I am guessing I didn't win the drawing, but it was fun to see the quilt. The theme was "stars" and my square is the lower left hand corner one... its name is "seven sisters"..... We actually stayed at the fair for about an hour, it was BEASTLY hot and when the first steaks of lightening lit the sky followed by a rumble of thunder, we were out of there!!! All the animals were back at the camp, and I just didn't want to leave them alone during the storm!!!

We mostly spent the weekend, Ed and I, just trying to rest and sort out all the happenings of last week... the selling of the business, passing of his Mom, our 26th wedding anniversary, sick doggie... and the fact that Sadie is off to college next week. I said to Ed one day way last spring..."you know, it will probably all hit at once"... guess what... I'm not going to say that statement again, either!!!!!