This is my good friend Betty and her beautiful Welch cobb, Quinn. They went to a "fun" horse show just a short time ago, and from what I know, did a driving course together. Bettty reports that Quinn did very well (he's just 4 years old). And from these photos, I would say they did really well.
I don't even know how long Betty and I have been friends. We met long ago in the "dog world" when she had her first Newf, Josh. And Betty is just one of those friends, who I don't see all that much, but when we do get together, we always pick up right where we left off.... you just have to love friendships like that.
Betty has always loved horses. And when we first came to the farm, she was here often. Helping out in all sorts of ways, and was a huge help to me when I was getting Mocha back into driving mode. It was her wish to one day have a horse of her own and when she found Quinn, it seemed like a match made in heaven.
Because she is busy with Quinn now (and boards him at a barn closer to her home). We again don't see each other as often as I would like. But she is always sure that I know what is going on in her horse life.. and I love that. So, here's to you my friend.. may you and Quinn have many happy miles of driving and blue ribbons in the future. (and keep the pics coming so I can brag on you!!!!)