Wednesday, July 21, 2010

horses in the neighborhood

There are horses in the neighborhood!!!! (so?? you think, what's the big deal... don't you have four horses of your own??) Well, yes we do, but the neighborhood I'm talking about is not the "farm neighborhood" it's the "lake neighborhood"...
Sunday, we were sitting lakeside, chatting with Kas, Nate and Sadie.. when this big beautiful horse trailer goes down the road. Now, you know right away, my horse radar goes up and I am dying with curiosity as to what is going on. Three gorgeous horses are unloaded and walked up into the woods, and the trailer "disappears". Then we see folks lugging hay and water, and Ed says.. "they must be staying for awhile".

We then had our own horse chores to do, so we headed down to the farm, and when we got back, Ed said "I know you want to see what's this is all about... let's go look". As luck would have it, the horse owners were out with their babies, and we had a chance to chat with them.

Two camps down from us, the family that owns the camp is from Vermont. During the summer the "Mom" comes out and lives at the camp. Well, this week the daughter, grand daughter and friend have come to stay with"Mom" and have brought their horses to do trail riding while they visit. We had such fun talking with them, and wouldn't I love to join them on their outings....

We offered a parking spot for the trailer in our "field" and each morning, I have been able to watch them tack up and head out. They always ask me to come along, but two things hold me back.. one being they ride for 4 to 6 hours (and no way are Tonka and I in that kind of shape right now) and two... I really can't "afford" that kind of time away from finishing up this house.... but, don't think I haven't thought of just going!!!!

If this works out well for them this summer, they will be back again next year... so perhaps.. I would be in a spot where I could just tag along...

either way, it looks like great fun!!!!