Saturday, May 17, 2008

special day

This is my friend, Aileen, with her "soon to be dog".... Lilli. Aileen has adopted Lilli thru cocker rescue, but since Lilli is still raising her litter of puppies, it will be a few weeks, before she can live with her new owner.

Aileen and I met thru "the dog world", I feel so blessed at the number of wonderful people and friends that I have come to know because of dogs. All "winter" long, Aileen and I have emailed back and forth, talking about dogs for sure, but lots of other things as well. She has become very dear to me!!!

Yesterday, I took the "blankies" and dog coats to Aileen, because she had volunteered to work at the table that rescue had set up at the dog show. Since the day was suppose to be nice (and it was) I invited Aileen to go and see the barn. She has had a great interest in it, via the blog, and I wanted her to have a chance to see it in real life.

I packed up Moxie and Cammie (didn't take the boys for fear of all the ticks in the field and not wanting all that to end up in the truck).. and we went to drop off the donations and pick up Aileen. She hopped right up into my truck!!! and off we went.

We chatted the whole way, we never ran out of things to talk about, and that is so special when you can do that with someone else. Cammie completely took over Aileen's lap on the ride up. She didn't mind it at all, and I have a feeling that when Lillie arrives, she will do the same thing. Aileen loved the barn and the property.... needless to say, I had to take a quick shot of her in front of the barn... notice Cammie had to get in on it.

Then we had a grand lunch together (fried clams) and the whole day went zooming by. Moxie had a doctor's appointment, so, I was on a bit of a time schedule, but, we manged to do most everything that I had hoped. I have next promised Aileen a ride in Tonka's cart, she says she can't wait!!!

And I can't wait to meet her "Lilli dog"!!! Special days like this are ones that are treasured!!!! And I hope to have many more of them with my friend........


Last fall, my friend, Kim, popped over with a gift that she had received for her birthday. It was a beautiful fleece blanket that had been made for her. She wanted me to see it, because it was easy to make and she knows that I am always looking for new and interesting projects.

NOT, that I need to know about more projects, goodness only knows that I have a "million" of them in process at any given time, but I do suppose it's nice to keep your "list" up to date. The blankets are so easy to make, that I gave them to "everyone" at Christmas time.

I also made a few extra to use as donations, four to my dog club, and these three are for Cocker rescue who have a table this weekend at the local dog show. (Deb also made 5 of her beautiful dog coats - like the one Camille worn at the dog show - as another donation for the table) We're hoping these items will bring in a little extra for rescue.

Basically all it takes to make them are two yards of two different pieces of fleece. You will want to trim off the salvage sides, and lay them out carefully without any wrinkles. The only place I manage to do that is on the kitchen table where I have room to spread them out.

Then, you cut out the corner, and I make a 3 inch "fringe" all the way around. The quickest way I have found to do this is with a rotary cutter, straight edge and a cutting board. I also find it is better not to make too much "fringe" in one sitting, as it makes it harder to do the tying later.

Then you tie all the little fringes together, a top to a bottom and... there you have it!!!

These blankets are very warm and durable. Pop them into the washer to clean, and dry on a low heat.

so, if you are in need of a project or something different as a donation to your favorite charity... here you go!!!!