Tuesday, September 06, 2016

first day of school.....

happy 15th birthday Trev!!!

Today... our dear little Trevor turns 15.... having lost our Hunter dog just a few weeks ago, Trev hits this mark in his life alone. I have worried over Trev.. wondering how he would "do" without his brother around. And the past few weeks, he has been a bit on the "quiet" side.. but I think overall he's doing pretty well.

Of the two, I thought Trev might go first... he lost an eye a while ago, and he's pretty deaf.. and seemed slower than Hunter.. but here he is.

At 15 I think he does well.. though many of his days are sleeping (like this on his little bed)..but, he still manages the stairs, goes outside.. pokes around the dog yard. He will still bark at the door if he senses the others are ... he knows where his little crate is at night to go to sleep.. and sometimes, I take him on short walks but those can be hard. He still likes to go in the car and hardly ever misses a meal..

so... Happy birthday little buddy, and each day that you are with us is a true gift.....