Thursday, February 26, 2009

the "assuming" Camille

Camille has decided that she is the new "truck dog".... it's funny how she has suddenly stepped up to fill Moxie's paws!!! For a few weeks, she totally went thru a mourning process of her own, but the last few days, she has changed somehow. It's hard to describe.

When I say to the dog's "it's time for kennels".. they all run to their crates, and Camille now runs to the door and not her crate. She assumes that she will be going with me. I suppose it only makes sense, since she and Moxie were my "class dogs", but Camille knew that Moxie was the "truck dog" as well, and never questioned that. but something has changed now for sure. I take all the dogs in the truck when I can, but Hunter and Trevor don't like to "sit" in the truck for long periods of time, and Tazzy and Cole, don't seem to care one way or another if they go or not. So, sometimes I pack everyone up and other times, I look to take just one.... guess it's going to be Camille.....

She also "assumes" other things... like, Ed wants her in his lap.... here are the two of them...
Ed after a day of moving snow, and Camille after attending three nights of dog classes.....
it's funny to see how things are changing. "the pack" seems to have settled in and re-arranged, I didn't think Camille would take the top spot, but the others have voted her in... I guess. She seems OK with the idea... life with dogs is certainly a learning experience...

still moving...

we're still moving here... both in the snow department and in the building department... I guess that is what is important...keep moving. Ed brought the tractor out again today, just to push the snow back, and after hearing tonite's weather report.... MORE snow for Sunday with a "possible repeat from last weekend"... we have just decided to get ready. Get the snow pushed back as far as possible, and NOT take the generator back to the farm just yet!!!! maybe we'll luck out and get rain.. but after last weekend, I'm not counting on anything!!! I just am so glad that we have the equipment to move snow!! it sure has had a workout.....

So, what's happening with the house. First off, I can't say enough good things about Ken, Eric, Buzz and Steve... they have hardly missed a day of work. And when they arrived on Monday, and saw all the snow... they just shoveled their stuff out and got right to work once again!!! They are amazing... the good news, is, there will be no more snow in Ed's workshop as the roof is on it now.

They still need to "tie in" the mudroom part of the roof, but everything is in place now. Once the trim work is finished up, they can begin the shingles... and that will make such a difference.

It's a wonderful HUGE space, I keep thinking it would make a fine training area!!!! Ed offered it to me several times, and I kept saying NO.. that I didn't think I would want to offer dog training classes on the farm... but after seeing this space, I am having second thoughts!!!! Course, now he tells me "too late".. you had your chance, it's "my workshop now".... but, we'll see, could be he won't need all this room and I could have a little corner if I wanted!!!! The downstairs is just as big, so, I could move a few cars out, and use that space if I really wanted to....I guess time will tell, who knows what it will really be like until we actually are living here....