Sunday, May 27, 2007

change of plans

Our original plans for the holiday weekend, were to go to the Oxford Fair grounds for the Maine Draft Horse day & auction. Sadly, there were some terms between the horse club and the fairground that could not be met, and the event had to be cancelled. Fortunately, Kim thought to call me Friday evening and tell me this news, because it saved Ed and I from traveling up there only to find this out!!!!

So, with Moxie and Dancer supervising from the front door, we tackled yet another project from the "to do list". Take down the shrubs from in front of the house, that have grown much too large and were in pretty sad shape.

It was (is) a big job, but the right equipment and the two of us working together, we got a good part of it done on Saturday afternoon. We filled up both the pick-ups, a small trailer and the big tractor trailer with branches and shrubs.

After carting that over to dump in Portsmouth, Ed couldn't wait to get on the tractor and start pulling up the stumps. Once we have them all out, and dumped, he then plans on rotor tilling the entire front lawn, and re-seeding it. The next step will be to pick out a "white pickett fence" to go along the road, I don't like it being so open to the road side, even if there isn't that much traffic and we don't use the front door as a main entrance.

It's hard to believe that 20 years ago, we planted 14 small shrubs, I couldn't wait for them to get big enough to make a hedge, which, we were told, would grown to about 4 feet in height. Well, for some odd reason, these hedges went way beyond the 4 feet, and when they began to take over the lawn and make it hard to see when pulling out of the driveway, it was time to think of a new game plan.

It certainly gives the house a different look, but when it's all said and done, it will look quite nice.....

Silly me.......I thought weekends were for relaxing, guess I thought wrong!!!!