Monday, July 30, 2007

hot summer days

The weather lately has NOT been my favorite!!! Hot, humid... yucky!!! But, one must always take advantage of whatever comes, so when the days are like this... it's perfect bath weather!!!! I do believe the horses appreciate it as well, and they always look so good when they are done!!!

The trick is, keeping them that way!!! Unlike the cockers that you can keep inside for awhile, unless you lock the horses in, I can guarantee that a good roll in the dirt will follow any bath. Because the barn was a bit cooler than outside, we did lock them in for a bit and they actually remained clean for the better part of the day!!!!

Bit of a difference between bathing Tonka and then little Mocha!!!!Both were excellent and enjoyed a nice bite of green grass while being rinsed off!!!
Is this what one means when they say "bad hair day?"..... Oh well, Mocha can look cute in almost any situation!!!!

Next week, we have a very special guest coming to stay with us..... Miss Rachael...... she is the daughter of a friend of mine, and is as crazy about horses as I am!!! So, we are planning a week of "horse stuff" and if the weather holds hot, there might be baths again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!---- "poor horses"