Thursday, March 04, 2010

getting close...

I wish the "getting close" meant "getting close to moving in".. and it is... but this "getting close" is about --almost being finished with sheet rocking!!!! Ed keeps saying, "you wait, one day we'll be done and it will seem like it happened all of a sudden".. well.. I don't know about all of a sudden, but it is a good feeling when we look around and fewer spots need our attention.

This little wall in the kitchen area is the LAST one, the last thing.. that needed to be sheet rocked in the downstairs!!! Ed got this done yesterday and spent today finishing small bits and pieces in the upstairs bathrooms. Once the mud goes up, I will be back to last part of sanding and priming!!! I have a pretty good idea of the colors of the remaining rooms.. and now we are thinking about the floors. I guess "floors" will be our main topic this month.

I got the downstairs bathroom all primed today. I can't believe what a difference a bit of paint makes on the walls.
I feel like my life is a little "boring" (busy, but boring!!!) right now.. all I think about/talk about is sheet rock and priming... I feel like I have to look around for blog stories, because "my story" right now is much the same. It's kind of a boring time of year anyways (at least it is to me).. the weather is almost getting nice and yet winter can still show up at a moment's notice.. we haven't done much with the horses.. the dogs keep me busy, but again, its the same ol' same ol'... but I guess there's nothing wrong with that.

a new quilter

A bit ago, my friend Kelli said that she would like to make a quilt. I LOVE teaching friends what I know about quilting, so I couldn't wait and work with Kell. We went to our local quilt shop and found a quilt pattern that will be "quick and easy" for Kelli to start out with. It's part of the "jelly roll" collection (for those of you who quilt out there) and Kell picked out the most wonderful warm colors for her quilt.

After our quilt shop run, life got busy and Kelli and I never got the quilt started. I had this "great fear" of the whole winter getting by and us not getting together.. so last night, we made a date to get going.

Kelli had to start by putting her colors together and began making the "four square" which will be the base of the quilts pattern. (I just love the colors she picked.. makes me want to get quilting again myself!!! - got to get in that house!!!) We had such a good time together, quilted, talked and laughed.. the evening flew by....

However, we weren't without one little catastrophe---- Kelli is left handed, so anything that I tried to show her, she had to "turn around" for herself. All in all it went well.... except for the "pizza" (rotary) cutter...

Kell was zipping along (literally) and not only zipped across the material... but her finger as well. Having "just changed" the cutting wheel.. it was razor sharp and made a nasty cut... and BLED like crazy!!! It took her a few moments to get the bleeding under control.. and then she bandaged it up and went back to work!!! (brave gal)...

But, her quilt is now in progress and I will keep you all up dated as she goes along. And I told her.. that she needs to plan on entering the quilt at the local fair.. and I'm going to bet (right now) it will take a blue......

in like a lion

After the weather we had have for the past week, I think it is safe to say that March roared in like a lion (or two!!) The big storm arrived a week ago with howling winds and heavy rains. We fared better "inland" than they did on the coast, but still, half the town was without power until just a couple days ago.

We went and visited with Kas and Nate and then my folks on Sunday. The ocean was still putting on a pretty good show, and parts of the beach were closed off to the public. This kind of fury draws people in, but it's so very dangerous... more than once, people have been swept out to's very powerful. My parents were without power, fortunately they did get a generator, so they were doing OK.. but they were told it would be a few days before it returned. Kas and Nate only lost power for a few hours, so they were OK too... I just need to know that my family is all OK...

Monday morning we were back to snow covered ground... not much mind you... but snow again none the less. Poor Mr. G.. he didn't seem too impressed with the world when he made his morning rounds of the farm.

The good thing about March snows is that they don't last very long. Once the sun begins to get strong and the ground warms, it doesn't stick around. Course it does add to mud season... which is "always great fun on the farm".

So.. welcome March - I'm looking forward to you bringing me some spring....