So, on Groundhog's Day... it was warm(ish) March like.. the little chubby fellow predicted an early spring.. and then........................
Winter came roaring back again. I knew it was coming by listening to the weather reports, but truthfully... when the little birds began tanking up at the feeders, that was all the info I really needed.
I have just enjoyed the feeders so much. Some days I have a ton of birds and then some a bird hardly makes a visit. I noticed that when the days are good and the land is "open" they don't come around very much, but with the slightest sign of weather coming in.. so do they. I get a number of different birds which is always nice, and all are welcomed....
This was a "good" storm, with the snow coming day a quick rate. Ed stayed home from work, and it was nice to have a real ol fashion winter day. The kind where you don't have to go anywhere and just allow time to come and go. Course I was excited to quilt and do some knitting and some baking... all that good stuff....
The wind really howled and at times, it was near white out conditions.....
Sending the critters out to do "their thing" was a bit of feat in itself... but every so often I just had to kick everyone out..... (except for Henry who - for the time - has the use of a box....)
The doggies didn't mind so much. But having the deck and this nice patio area out into the dog yard has worked out so well this year. There has never been more than just a few inches of snow all year, and with Hunter and Trev really slowing down in the senior years... this has been so good for them....
The birdies came back and forth all day... even with the feeders really rocking in the winds. I guess they're used to it all....
And then, about an hour before sunset, it stopped. Just as though someone had turned off the switch....
and out came the sun as it began to set... and it was just beautiful (sight wise)... still really cold and windy... but a wonder to be seen.....
maybe that old groundhog doesn't know much about the weather.... it's just February after all....
but................ before spring arrives.... so does baby Calvin, and in just a few weeks he'll be joining the family... so the countdown has really begun.....