Friday, June 10, 2011

horseman's NIGHTMARE!!!!

An imagine that strikes fear in the hearts of all horsemen... a barn fully involved.....

This happened in our "home town" just a few weeks ago. It was caused by a lightening strike. I know the folks that own this barn, and I can only imagine what they went thru when all of this was happening.

The "good" news, everyone is fine.. all horses, animals and humans. But after that.. the loss is incredible... hay, feed, tack.. income... never mind.. the dreams!!! They were planning on running summer camps for kids, had horses boarding... and the building... brand new, less than a year old.

It can and will be rebuilt... but, it serves as a good reminder that sometimes we can't be too careful, and we should all have a game plan in place..

what would you do if it were yours??? Now might be a good time to plan that all out....

here comes the hay

It's that time of year again... hay season!!! And for those of you who suffer with allergies, not such a good time of year. But for those of us who have been waiting all winter (and counting our hay bales all spring hoping we have enough) hay season can't come soon enough. Actually, I was getting kind of nervous back in March, thinking we might run out .. but, turns out we were OK and we are still 40 bales to the good even before getting our first new batch in.

The hay looks really good this year. A fairly wet spring, followed by lots of sunshine and dry air, made the hay spring to life. I told Father that I could hear it growing as we drove by. This year, I am going to put up as much as possible. Come those cold winter days.. hay in the loft is like money in the bank... and I want to be prepared and not "jumpy" like I was this past year. We have the room, we might as well use it.

Abbie was fascinated by it all. She loves tractors and things of that nature and was so good just watching them bale it up. (She's explaining it all to Tom!!!)

And this wonderful batch is headed right to our barn. It's just the first load of a few... but, it's time!!!!

beetle bug

I am SO hoping this weather is a sign of what summer is going to be all about. Because it has been perfect "beetle weather". So, when Kelli and Rick invited us to dinner on Sunday afternoon, and then a trip out for ice cream after - we knew it would be a good run for the beetle.

At least this year with Abbie, I don't have to worry about the "blinkie" going flying out the side!!! And she can truly appreciate riding in the little car.

I heard Sadie laughing and turned to see Abbie, throwing her hands over her head and yelling "wheeee" as we drove down the road. I guess it would be a bit like an amusement ride!!!!

After a wonderful supper with Kelli and Rick, we packed up again and went out for ice cream. Rick thought this would be a perfect "first outing" for Mr. Otis (Ginger was at home!!)

Otis acted like he has done this all his life. He curled up on the floor and was as quiet as could be. He got quite a few comments, and never bothered once with the ice cream or all the on lookers. Think he's off to a pretty good start if you ask me....

"cheese or rather - Ice cream!!!"

Coming home, it wasn't quite as warm as the ride out had been. But, as you can see... we are well prepared. Wrap up in a cozy quilt, and we're good to go.

It's Beetle time!!!!

ponies go to school

We have several pairs of barn swallows this year. It seems as they are all "fighting" for a spot in the barn - though with the size barn we have - I can't imagine that there isn't room for all. But it does seem that a couple will start one little nest, and then thinking the neighbors have a better spot, they will quit on that one and move to another. I love hearing their little sounds, and am very happy to have them as our guests - anything that likes to eat "bugs" is good with me.

Abbie loves to watch them fly in and out. She will go straight into the barn and look high up for them. Course in her world, they are "buca-buca's" (all birds are) and she will call them hoping they will come to her - like the chickens do. She even put some corn out for them - though they weren't that interested.

We have been having a good stretch of nice weather. Which has worked out well, because the ponies had an "appointment' at Kassy's preschool. Actually we were suppose to bring them a few weeks back, but it was during all that rain and yuck, and I told Kass I simply could not bring them in that weather and in "that condition". So, Sunday, with the warm bright weather, it was time for baths and getting spruced up to visit the kids.

Mocha has gone the past few years, and has always been a huge hit. At first, I was doing pony rides with her, but realized that some of those pre-schoolers are really too big to be riding her. So, last year, she went more as a petting pony....

This year, we have Kringle. Now, I honestly don't know much about his history, but we were told that he has been a child's pony for many many years. And that he has pretty much -- been there done that. His attitude around the barn says he has, but it wasn't until I saw him with the kids that I knew for sure. He was great with them, very gentle and friendly, and between him and Mocha the kids had a real treat.

We were able to do pony rides with everyone, and for some, it was the first time that they had ever really been around "horses".

Such a fun day and so nice to be able to do things like this and share our "babies" with others!!!!