Sunday, July 17, 2016

the wagonette

After a great few days at the dog show... it was time to be home again and tending to the things around the farm. Our little wagonette.... when we bought this, we tried Duke and very quickly discovered that the shafts that came with it where too tight for him. So, Ed went and got the parts and pieces for a new set of shafts, and while I was away at the show, he was able to finish up the work and put them on the cart. We decided to see how Duke like this set. It was an easy hitch and Duke seems quite happy with these new shafts...
A perfect summer Sunday evening was just the time to go for a drive. We've been keeping a "path" mowed around the field to use a driving/riding road. (I don't feel very safe going out onto the main street this time of year...)  and with the wagonette.. we gave it a try...
With it's big wheels, it pulls great. Duke  had no troubles taking it over grass or along the drive way. It's super comfortable for the passengers as well, and I am looking forward to offering rides for anyone who wishes to go....
and, it's cute.  I can easily carry four adults, but I'm sure some kiddos could squish in there as well. Duke won't even notice the extras on board...
It sits high... so the views are good, and I like being able to have good vision all around us. That will make it very nice when we do venture out on the road... or anywhere else ..

"Thanks buddy... that was a nice ride"....

dog show weekend.....

We've been working on this for a year....... and the weekend has arrived.  Road trip for Miss Livy and I as we head to Vermont for the Green Mountain four day dog show. She, of course, has no idea, and hopes in the car ready to go. 
At first I thought that Ed and I would just spend the weekend there. But, even though the drive was a bit long, it was more practical and certainly less expensive to just drive back and forth. The weather has been beastly hot too boot, and I figured I would be just as happy to be home during the evenings. 
The first two days of the show, Livy's class was the first one on. So we had to leave the farm very early in the morning. Which actually turned out nice, because we basically had the road to ourselves, and I was able to drive at my own pace and not be worried or rushed with traffic.
I haven't been to this part of Vermont before (and plan on returning with Ed.. it would be a nice day trip)... there's lots to see, and I was very happy to discover that I didn't have to drive across this bridge... just go under it... (I'm not a fan of bridges....)
The show was in the mountains, so the higher we climbed .. the cooler it was, but it created quite the fog in some places. Still, it just added charm to our driving....
No doubt where we are headed now.....
The show site was on a fairground... very well done/run and lots of room for the rings, the exhibtors and everyone in general....
Livy hopped out of the car and took it all in. Now she knows what this trip is all about....

The obedience rings were inside. Which was a real blessing... because as that fog wore off, it got hot fast. 
Nicely matted, big fans running to  move the air... this is one show that I will certainly show at again....

This is "so Vermont"  when you pass cows grazing on the hillside...
and other than maple syrup.. Vermont is known for it's covered bridges. This was so nice here, because there were a lot of them.. just little small ones that crossed over brooks and streams. It makes me happy to think they care about these beauties and take such good care of them. 
Definitely farm land, and lots of big beautiful barns... I would have liked to shoot many more pictures... but really, we did have a reason and a "job" to do here....
Because we did travel alone, there wasn't anyone around for picture taking... so, I had to save the "best" for last and do it when we were done and back at home. Miss Livy did herself well, and earned the legs needed for her Companion Dog title....

Now, I will admit here, her scores were not as high as I would have liked... however, you do have to pass.. and so she did, and twice pinned in the top four ribbons. 

We have a bit of clean up work to do before heading onto the next level.. but that's ok, because I don't have any real time frame as when to do that next level... either way, the weekend was fun and a huge success in  my book..

good girl.. little brown dog!!!!!
I also had two beautiful blooms in the water garden. Sadly I am finding these flowers only last a day or two, and then they sink to the bottom. So, when I see them, I am getting the photos...

Once in awhile, I will catch Mr. Bullfrog sunning himself. He's growing... and I am always happy to catch a glimpse of him....

I have to say that I have been enjoying this water garden so much. It was well worth the effort to make it. And everyone who stops by comments on it....

Besides, I'm somewhat successful with it.. at least I don't ever worry about not watering the plants!!!!