Monday, May 21, 2012


It would seem that our past few weekends have been full of happy celebrations.. last weekend a wedding and Mother's Day, and this past weekend a baby shower for my cousin Meaghan. It was a perfect day for a shower, and I was excited to be with family that I don't get to see that often.

 I met up with my sisters, Becky and Rachel at Rachel's house, and then we all walked over to the shower. Sadly, my Mom (recovering from surgery) Kassy (who was at a wedding) and Sadie (who had to work) wasn't able to join us....
I thought this was such a good idea and wanted to share. Danielle (who helped arranged the shower) hung this picture frame from a swing set. And then, as each guest arrived, she took their picture to make a memory book of all the guests for Meg. Very sweet.....

And here is the beautiful Mom to be. She and her hubby have decided not to know what they are having.. so the gifts were all great surprises....

 Abbie wasn't sure why this wasn't a birthday party.. it had all the right makings... people, good food, presents and a cake.. so she really wanted to help out with the gifts. Meg was so sweet and said yes... but after a bit, Abbie thought playing outside was more fun that looking at "baby things"...
It was such a nice time, so well thought out. There were several little girls there, and they all had such a fun time outside together, while the adults visited. This little toad that the little girls found was a huge hit (I'm so glad they didn't bring him inside!!!)

Abbie got to try her first trampoline... she thought that was so much fun. It was just a wonderful afternoon, and we are anxiously awaiting the news of another new family member... joining us in July.

Start of summer..

Our weather lately has been quite the thing... either cold, rainy and sort of yucky.. or bright sunny. I'm in hopes that the whole summer isn't going to go this way, though when the weather is good, it's delightful. Course Ab can always find something grand... like how her barn boots make it possible to walk threw the deep puddles...

Or how a plastic Easter pail works great for collecting the eggs....

She take this morning chore very serious, and likes to count and see how many treasures we are left. She loves fresh eggs, and even told her Tee Tee that "her" eggs (bought in the store) were a bit "yucky".

Well, it's hard to believe that Norton is beginning to get ready to head back to NEADS. I have received the "time to get ready" note. So, we made an appointment at the vets to have his "out going/in coming" exam done. Abbie assures him that everything will be fine at the doctors.

 He hasn't really know the DownMaine staff.. we got him when he was pass all the puppy shots, so except for a few "hello" visits and being weighed... he hasn't been there....but he makes friends where ever he goes...
He looks bigger than he actually is. People guess his weight to be around 70 pounds, but he really only comes in at 58. Must be all those curls.....
And just another morning on the farm. I guess what really "gets" me are the outfits that are picked out each morning. Abbie is really into dressing herself, and I love to see what she chooses. Most always a tu-tu must be part of the ensemble.
just making sure her boots still work....

And always ready to lend a hand.... she loves to open the shavings bags after "you get the poop out first, Baby"..

 Rake is a bit on the big side....
But she'll make sure that the horses have a nice soft bed... and pretty much the routine of the days continue....