When our girls were little, I tried to have one day a week that we called "adventure day", a day that we "did something". Often times, it really wasn't that big of a deal... visiting different places, taking a picnic lunch, something of that nature, but I think my girls remember it fondly... now "adventure day" is all about puppies!!!!! (my how times change). and we typically meet up with Kathleen - who has Cappy at the moment - and go somewhere to "work" the puppies.
Our latest spot has been the hospital. It's a great place to work... and of course, the pups get a lot of attention as well. We do things like, ride in the elevators (there are three to choose from)....
Cappy doesn't see what all the fuss is about......
And there are stairways to practice in... this one is quite good, because the steps are tiled, and the hallway echos....
Danny seemed to have an expression of "oh no... I have to do that... I can't look"... but actually he did very well on the stairs, which are still a little hard just because he is still so little.
After we "play" at the hospital, it's onto puppy school, so these guys get a full day of "fun' on adventure days....
But today we took a road trip and I brought Danny and Camille along. We're back at the antique fire engine place, Ed is still working away on the restoration project, and he had a couple more pieces he had to deliver. Danny was a good boy - it's a pretty long trip and he rode well.
While Ed was going over some of the details of what he needed to have done, I took Danny around the big pieces of equipment. He was far more interested in the smells that were all around than in the great look fire engines....
But perhaps you need to be a white dog with black spots to truly appreciate fire engines!!!!! Though I thought he looked pretty cute sitting on the back of this truck.
Our visit wasn't very long, mostly a drop and run for Ed, but we'll be back again to pick up the pieces.... so, it was a potty break for Dan and we were heading back for home.
However, it wasn't without stopping at one of our favorite lunch spots!!! where a lobster roll and a piece of chocolate cream pie, made it all worthwhile for me!!!!!