Friday, May 08, 2009

got water?

Yes we do!!! you might remember that a few weeks ago, the well man came and hooked the well up for us. That meant that we had water in the barn. But we haven't been able to "use" it, because we needed to "run the well" for a while to let it clear. So for the past couple of weeks, we have run the water about an hour every day. We have used it for bathing the horses, and washing our hands and such, just not for drinking.

On Monday, Ed ran a sample to the water lab, to have it tested and see if we could begin to use it... and the results were... it's perfectly fine!!!! There are a couple of things that it is a little "high" on, but the water lab says that use will more than likely take care of those "high results"... and if it doesn't, it would be OK...

I had forgotten how easy it is to fill water buckets when you can simply use a hose. Actually this has happened in the nick of time, because we only had about a day's worth of water in the big tank that we have used all winter... and it would have meant another load brought to the barn from camp.... But we don't have to "worry" about that any longer...

We're up and running now. Course I was just getting some pretty good arm muscles from lugging 5 gallon buckets of water... but, I won't mind not getting my shoes or pants soaking wet, when I miss my shot into the water buckets!!!!

This is Diana... she is the daughter of our friends Dee and Chris, and she (along with her three siblings) grew up together with our daughters. Diana has been studying to become a nurse and tonite was her graduation and "pinning"... since she invited us as part of her "family" we could not miss this.

It was a nice ceremony, but the best part was when Diana received her nurse's pin and she chose to have Dee pin it on her.

Diana has such a sweet and caring nature, I just know that she will make a wonderful nurse....we are so blessed to have people who chose such a service as their life calling...

Best wishes Di..........